
What is Dual Marker Test, Its Significance and Importance

What is Dual Marker Test, Its Significance and Importance

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting journeys for expecting parents. However, as the foetus grows there are certain health risks for which the mother and child b may be affected. To counter this medical professionals have...

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting journeys for expecting parents. However, as the foetus grows there are certain health risks for which the mother and child b may be affected. To counter this medical professionals have developed a variety of screening and diagnostics tests 

One of the most advanced diagnostic tests called the Double marker test or dual marker test has developed as a valuable tool that helps in screening the risk of certain genetic disorders in a foetus and their detection in the early phase.

Let's Understand Double Marker Tests

Double marker tests are prenatal screening tests that are used to diagnose genetic disorders associated with the foetus in the early phase of pregnancy by checking any possible chromosomal abnormalities in the developing foetus 

It is usually carried out during the first trimester.

How This Test is Performed

The dual markers test combined the results of two types of blood markers that are:

Human chorionic gonadotrophin and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A). These markers are present in the maternal blood and provide information about the potential genetic risk of chromosomal abnormalities and the syndrome associated with it like Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome.

This test is only recommended for women above the age of 35 because, with an increase in age, the risk of genetic disorders increases. the family has a history of congenital diseases.

However, this test is only used to estimate the risk of genetic disorders based on the results the expected parents have the option of whether to go forward or not with the diagnostic procedure.

Procedure for Dual Marker Tests

Procedure for Dual Marker Tests

  • Collect the blood sample from the expectant mother
  • Check for the two blood markers HCG and PAPP-A 
  • Check the level of these hormones and make the necessary observation
  • Prepare the report and consult with the expecting parents about the results

What to Expect From the Test

By examining the blood sample pathologists can check the level of these hormones

If the level of HCG is high it indicates a high risk of Down syndrome

Low levels of PAPP-A also indicate an increased risk of Down syndrome.

The nuchal translucency test can also be used to get an accurate analysis of the baby's risk of chromosomal abnormalities it uses the soundwave to check the clear area on the back of the neck 

The dual marker test provides three results low risk, moderate and high risk if the result comes with low-risk means and, a low probability of genetic abnormalities if the result falls under moderate and high risk you should go further for the diagnostic procedure by consulting with your doctor.

Importance of Dual Marker Test

This test has its own set of benefits that can screen for several genetic disorders in babies these are:

Importance of Dual Marker Test

Reduced Anxiety of Expected Parents

During pregnancy, the uncertainty about the baby's health can add anxiety and stress, this test provides satisfaction and reassurance to the expected parents about the risk of genetic disorders, if the result shows low risk means parents can take sight of relief and continue with their journey.

Early Detection

This test can help in the early detection of certain genetic disorders within a given time, this test is carried out between the 11th and 13th weeks of pregnancy and early detection of chromosomal abnormalities can help the expected parents to make the right decision related to their pregnancy journey.

Provides Valuable Information

This test can be used to provide valuable information to the expected parents about the estimated risk and provides more time for expected parents to make an informed decision about their pregnancy journey through genetic counselling the parents may be suggested thoroughly with the help of these tests.

Provides Medical Management

By analysing the estimated risk your healthcare professionals will closely monitor the pregnancy and provide necessary medical care and specialised plans during the later stages of pregnancy to ensure the safety of both mother and child.

Drawbacks of Dual Marker Tests

  • This test is a screening tool and does not guarantee the presence of chromosomal aberrant to confirm this it requires further diagnosis and investigation.
  • This test helps screen the disease in the early phase and the parents have to make an informed decision immediately about their pregnancy journey.
  • False positive and false negative tests are also possible so diagnostic tests are recommended for confirmation.

Cost of Double Marker Test in the Top Diagnostic Centre in Delhi NCR

The cost of this test in Delhi ranges from 2600 to 4000 Rs in Delhi but you can opt for Ganesh diagnostic centre the best diagnostic centre that provides this test at an affordable price with a fifty percent discount you can book an online appointment and grab this opportunity.

Pregnancy-Related Tests/packages That You Can Book With Ganesh Diagnostic

Why Choose Ganesh Diagnostic for the Dual Marker Test?

Ganesh Diagnostic is one of the most reputed labs located in Delhi NCR that has well-experienced staff, good availability quick response time and effective cost price our results are 100 per cent accurate and we ensure the safety and well-being of both mother and child

We also provide free blood sample collection at home. You don't need to worry about time and money for blood sample collection. Our health expert will reach your doorstep and take your blood sample any time by booking an appointment and you can download your report online by visiting our website.


The dual marker test is one of the most emerging tools that help in the screening of various chromosomal abnormalities in the early phase as well it helps the expected parents to make the right informed decision for their pregnancy it also helps in providing the right information to the parents through genetic counsellings to understand the implications of result if you are above 35 or have any family history of genetic disease go for this test by choosing a best diagnostic centre.

FAQ's Related Dual Marker Test

What is a dual marker test?

This test is used to screen any chromosomal abnormalities in the child during the early phase by checking HCG and PAPP-A levels.

Are double marker tests accurate?

The accuracy for this test is around 80% means you have to go for further diagnostic procedures for confirmation.

What can be detected in the tests?

This test can detectest trisomy 18 trisomy 13 Downs syndrome and Edwards syndrome which affects the physical and mental health of the baby

How can I download my report?

You can download your report online by visiting Ganeshdiagnostic.com

What is the cost of this test?

The cost of this test ranges from 2600-4000 Rs in Delhi, you may choose Ganesh Pathology lab which provides a fifty per cent discount on all tests

To which age group women this test is recommended?

This test is recommended for women over the age of 35 as the chances of genetic disorders increase with age.