
Apple: Nutrition Facts, How Many Calories in an Apple, and Its Health Benefits

Apple: Nutrition Facts, How Many Calories in an Apple, and Its Health Benefits

Delicious, crisp, and packed with nutrients, apples are one of nature's most versatile fruits. Dive into the nutritional profile of apples to uncover their calorie content, health benefits, and the reasons why they say,...

Apple is one of the quite versatile fruits that is used in the regular diet. found predominately in central Asia and is rich in Vitamins and minerals. You can also eat them raw, in shakes or the form of pies. Apple is also available in different sizes and colours. Throughout let's discuss its health benefits and the amount of calories in an apple.

Apple Nutritional Profile

Apple Nutritional Profile

Although apples are available in different types and sizes, their nutritional content is the same for each size here are the nutritional components summarised in a tabulated form below:

Nutritional Component

Amount (every 100 gm)


53 kcal




0.3 grams


13.7 grams


10.3 grams


2.5 grams


0.1 grams

Let us discuss each nutritional component in detail further:

  • Carbs It is rich in carbs and its glycemic index ranges between 29-44. This means that eating an apple does not increase blood glucose levels rapidly.
  • Fibre - They are rich in fibre content and contribute to a healthy gut and proper digestion. High fibre levels also help in maintaining healthy body weight 
  • Vitamins - It is rich in Vitamin C and also has antioxidant properties.
  • Minerals - It contains a healthy level of potassium, which is associated with optimal heart health.
  • Phytochemicals -Apples are also a rich source of various plant compounds, including quercetin, catechin and chlorogenic acid

Overall Health Benefits of Apples

There are many health benefits of Apple these are:

Overall Health Benefits of Apples

Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

One of the major triggers of weight gain is overeating and unhealthy snacking. Apple curbs both these complications. Since it is enriched with water and fibre, snacking on an apple satiates one quickly and avoids the risk of overeating.

Heart-Healthy Benefits

Apples provide amazing benefits in improving and supporting heart functions. The presence of soluble fibre in apples is associated with blood cholesterol management. It reduces the risk of clots and blockages in blood vessels. Epicatechin, a popular polyphenol found in apples, has shown potent benefits in reducing hypertension.

Control Diabetes

Several extensive studies indicate that apple consumption reduces diabetes by 18%.

The combination of quercetin and phloridzin has promising benefits in managing diabetes in patients along with anti-inflammatory effects.

Support Gut Health

A healthy gut is the key to healthy physical well-being. Apples are rich in pectin promote gut health and also increase the presence of good bacteria in the intestine

Controls Asthma

Some studies suggested that antioxidants found in apples may help protect lung tissues from damage caused by free radicals and also control asthma. Quercetin, an important antioxidant in apples, reduces inflammation and regulates the immune system and responses. 

Might Prevent Cancer

Some studies show that apples have potent benefits in preventing lung, breast and GI tract-related cancers. And due to the high antioxidant levels in apples such as flavonoids and proanthocyanidin help reduce the risk of cancer.

Protects our Brain

Not just the heart; Apples also promote protecting your brain function and physiology. Quercetin, an antioxidant present in apples, reduces the incidence of oxidative stress in the brain.


Apple is one of the most consumed fruits in the world with a good nutritional profile as well as medicinal properties it has many health benefits like it maintaining weight, controlling diabetes, improving gut health and many more. Apple is also enriched with fibre and pectin that aids in digestion and it also enhances immunity so if you are choosing an apple for you it is a good fruit you must include in your diet to keep yourself disease-free.


Is apple a good source of vitamins?

Yes, the apple is a good source of vitamins as it contains Vitamin C that detoxifies our body by removing harmful elements.

How does Apple improve heart health?

It has epicatechin that reduces hypertension, apple is also rich in fibre reduces cholesterol and helps in weight management.

How does apple aid in digestion?

It contains 88 per cent water and is also a rich source of pectin that improves bowel movements and maintains gut health.

What are the Health Benefits of Apple?

Apple helps in reducing weight, controlling appetite, preventing asthma controlling Diabetes and maintaining heart health.

Which Vitamin does Apple contain?

It contains Vitamin C which is a natural antioxidant that enhances our immunity.

How many apples Can I eat every day?

You can eat up to 2-3 apples a day as they are a rich source of vitamins and minerals they will also help you to control your appetite.