
Tests Done in First Trimester of Pregnancy

Tests Done in First Trimester of Pregnancy

Starting motherhood from conception is an incredible milestone in a woman's life, marked by profound physiological shifts and the excitement of new life

Starting motherhood from conception is an incredible milestone in a woman's life, marked by profound physiological shifts and the excitement of new life. Ganesh Diagnostic is dedicated to supporting expectant mothers as they take this exciting journey; with our comprehensive guide highlighting all tests offered during the first trimester to monitor both mother and fetus health as they develop in this. We offer many tests as part of preconception care monitoring to monitor both the mother and fetus well well-being and gestation progress to ensure the best care possible for both mothers and their developing babies during this first trimester of gestation.

For a woman's first trimester (0 to 13 Weeks) it begins from the first day of your last period and lasts until the end of week 12. A lot happens during the first three months and the fertilized egg divides rapidly at this time and implants in the wall of the mother's womb as it continues to grow. By six weeks, a heartbeat can usually be heard, and by the end of 12 weeks.

Most pregnant women get two ultrasounds during their pregnancy journey. One at beginning ultrasound in the first trimester is a part of detecting the presence of pregnancy and screening for chromosomal anomalies like Down syndrome. To confirm the health of mother and child, doctors may recommend various types of laboratory tests, abdomen ultrasound, TVS USG, or many more.

Early Pregnancy Blood Tests:

Early Pregnancy Blood Tests

Start your prenatal journey by measuring beta hCG Test (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Test). This hormone, produced by the placenta and released during gestation, not only confirms pregnancy but can also serve as an early indicator of possible complications or developmental issues that could arise during gestation.

Blood Typing and RH Factor Testing:

An often-overlooked test to identify potential complications during gestation can be invaluable in the early identification of possible issues. Knowing your blood type and Rh factor helps identify any compatibility issues that could arise throughout gestation.

Complete Blood Count (CBC) test: 

A complete blood count test provides an overall evaluation of the mother's health, giving insight into potential anemia or infections that could hinder gestation, so timely intervention and management can occur as necessary.

Ultrasound Scans:

Ultrasound Scans

An ultrasound scan is often done to assess the location of pregnancy. Sonography test is conducted during the early part of the first trimester, a dating scan can play an essential role in identifying gestational age, verifying embryo number and ruling out complications like ectopic pregnancy. Furthermore, this provides a precise timetable for the remainder of gestation.

The other diagnostic test like Nuchal Translucency (NT) Scan between 11-14 weeks to assess the thickness of the nuchal fold and identify any chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome that could require further diagnostic testing or additional decision-making. This screening tool allows informed decision-making as well as potential further diagnostic tests in an early pregnancy screening.

Main Objectives of Ultrasound examination in the first trimester are:-

Confirmation of Pregnancy

  • Localization of intrauterine gestational sac
  • Confirm the the viability of the embryo bt detecting the cardiac activity
  • Detect the signs of early pregnancy failure
  • Detect single or multiple pregnancies
  • Assess the gestational age (pregnancy dating)
  • Assess the basic structural and functional activity of the embryo after 11 weeks of gestation

Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT):

Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)

As part of its advanced prenatal care services, Ganesh Diagnostic offers non-invasive prenatal testing that offers non-invasive screening for genetic disorders like Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and Patau syndrome. This groundbreaking test involves just a simple blood draw and screening for potential conditions like these.

Screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs):

Early screening and diagnosis of expectant mothers with comprehensive screening for sexually transmitted infections such as Syphilis, HIV and Hepatitis B as part of its comprehensive care approach. Early detection and management are vital to avoid transmission to an unborn baby.

Genetic Counselling:

This service helps parents assess their risk for carrying certain inherited disorders by screening carrier genes; providing insight for informed decision-making.

Doppler Flow Studies:

This test analyses blood flow to the uterus, helping early identify possible conditions like preeclampsia or intrauterine growth restriction.

Mandatory Health Check-ups:

Mandatory Health Check-ups

Blood pressure monitoring is an integral component of prenatal care. Early detection and management of conditions like preeclampsia contribute to an easier gestation experience.

Ganesh Diagnostic offers comprehensive prenatal care throughout the first trimester of gestation. Their suite of tests, combined with expert healthcare providers' assistance, ensures that expectant mothers receive all of the support and information necessary for an enjoyable and successful gestation journey. Ganesh Diagnostic prioritises early detection and proactive management to help equip parents with the knowledge and confidence needed to usher in new life into our world.


Pregnancy ultrasounds are an amazing way to see how your unborn child is growing. When you decide whether or not you want to undergo genetic screening, don't be afraid to ask your OBGYN for more information. Additionally, make sure you've allotted enough time for your ultrasounds, particularly the crucial full anatomy scan!

Get your sonography test with a female radiologist at an affordable cost