
Which X-Ray Should I Take? What Are Its Risks 

Which X-Ray Should I Take? What Are Its Risks 

This blog is a medium that explains the uses of X-rays, their various forms, the conditioner where an X-ray can be used, and most importantly the risks it might cause.

X-Ray is a type of electromagnetic wave. X-Ray imaging is a diagnostic imaging technique that uses these x-rays to produce images of the inside of the body. Theo scan pictures can show bones, soft tissue, and organs which helps in evaluation and diagnosis of any disorders or diseases in the body.

X-ray images can diagnose a lot of conditions such as a bone fracture, or certain conditions in lungs like pneumonia as spots on x-ray in the lung region. Mammogram is also a kind of x-ray that is most commonly used to look for breast cancer.

During x-ray you might wear a lead apron, or lead neck collar. These lead collars help to protect body parts which are not to be scanned.

Types of an X-Ray

  • Traditional X-Ray- Traditional x-rays might include various forms such as-
    • Abdominal x-ray- an abdominal x-ray can show various abdominal x-rays on the scan image like kidney, stomach, liver bladder etc. through these structures certain disorders can be diagnosed like kidney stone, bladder stone. Some modifications of abdominal x-ray include contrast medium, usually barium based contrast is used. The contrast based study is used to evaluate the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Chest x-ray- Chest x-ray can be used for the evaluation and diagnosis of conditions coinciding with the structures present in the chest like lungs, heart, bones etc.it may include infections like pneumonia.
    • Bone x-ray- Bone x-rays are a great way to study bones for conditions like broken bones (fractures), dislocated joints or sub-located joints, arthritis etc. bone x-ray can show bone cancer signs. A sub-variety of bone X-rays is a spine x-ray.
    • Dental x-ray- Dentists require x-rays to diagnose certain conditions in relation to head and neck,like cysts, tumours, cavities or other infectious conditions.
  • Mammography- Mammography is a modernised advancement that can be used to evaluate breasts for any breast cancer. Mammograms can show new breast lumps which could be a sign of breast cancer.
  • Computed tomography (CT) scan - A CT uses ionising radiation and computer to capture pictures of the inside of the body and to display these pictures on the computer for evaluation. These pictures can be saved and drafted for further diagnosis to be made by your doctor.
  • Fluoroscopy- Fluoroscopy is an imaging technique by which 3-D moving pictures can be viewed. It can show images of internal organs and soft tissues like intestine. 

Why Do I Need an X-Ray?

X-ray can be used to visualise various conditions in various parts of the body, some are mentioned below-

Bones and Teeth

  • Fractures and infections- Infections and fractures can be detected in the x-ray
  • Arthritis- Joint x-ray can show arthritis evidences
  • Dental cavities- Dentists use x rays for detecting any dental cavity, cyst or tumour.
  • Osteoporosis- Osteoporosis shows a change in bone densities.
  • Bone cancer- X-rays are capable enough to show any bone cancer.



  • GIT issues- Any digestive track issue can be seen by a barium based contrast study.
  • Foreign objects- if a child has swallowed certain objects like a toy or coin, it can be seen on a chest x-ray.

What Are the Risks of an X-Ray?

  • When operated by a trained professional especially while following the safety protocols, it poses significantly minimal risks. Although the x-ray system has radiation based risks but the uses it carries stand more. While x-ray can diagnose life threatening diseases and disorders like blocked blood vessels, bone cancer, infections like tuberculosis, it also can cause life threatening disorders like cancer. The risk of someone having an x-ray to develop cancer is significantly low. The risks of developing cancer become even low if operated optimally. Although there have been studies that prove that repeated exposure to x-rays and radiations can cumulatively become the factor to initiate carcinogenic growth of cells, leading to cancer development. 
  • Pregnant ladies and children are usually suggested not to get exposed to any radiation based imaging technique, if necessary to have a diagnostic imaging, they can undergo alternative techniques such as ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This is because unborn foetuses and children are more susceptible and sensitive to radiation. If a child is to be taken a radiation based x-ray, the x-ray exposure settings are kept accordingly low. However appropriate measures can be taken while doing a radiation based scan for a woman and children like, lead based aprons and safety gears.
  • Contrast based studies like CT or Fluoroscopy have certain side effects. Allergic reactions might happen due to the contrast medium. The signs and symptoms are-
    • Redness and swelling which might be itchy and warm in feel
    • You might feel hard to breath
    • You can feel dizzy or light headed
    • Nausea and vomiting can happen
    • Sometimes a life threatening allergic reaction anaphylaxis can happen

It is always safe to tell your healthcare provider about any allergic sign as soon as you start to have one.

What is the Price of an X-Ray?

The most debated question is the cost of an x-ray. The x-ray price can depend on various factors including the place that you live in, the area for which you want to have an x-ray, type of the x-ray technique being used. Price can also vary from one diagnostic centre to another. Generally one x-ray can cost as minimum as 500 rupees for a small dental x-ray to as high as 30000-40000 INR rupees for advanced X-ray imaging techniques like a CT scan. We at ganesh diagnostics offer a cost friendly x-ray system with even 50% off at certain tests as well.

How to Book X-Ray at Best Diagnostic Centre?

Ganesh Diagnostic Centre is an established and renowned diagnostic centre since 2001.

We have many x-ray scans, which can offer report Images online as well. We also offer FLAT 50% OFF on many Scans.

Their excellence is backed by NABH and NABL Accreditations

NABH accreditation is proof of the highest standard of care and service provided to the patients. NABL accreditation reflects the competency of laboratories and equipment based on some national and international standards.

We are known for providing excellent service and care to its patients for decades having created Lakhs of satisfied patients over the years!

Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre is a one-stop solution for getting all kinds of diagnostic Scans done, as all services are available under one roof.

GDIC aims to provide the world’s advanced technology at the most reasonable and lowest price.

The rates of scans are reasonably priced. Patients can rely upon scan Image reports as reports are 100% accurate.

How to Book Free Doctor Consultation

Get connected to our doctor directly

  • Dr. Ravin Sharma MBBS, MD Radiology)
  • Phone Number- 9212125996
  • Available- 24*7*365