
What are the Causes and Symptoms of Insomnia

What are the Causes and Symptoms of Insomnia

This article will discuss Insomnia, its types, causes and symptoms. We will also discuss some common questions about Insomnia.

Insomnia is the condition of feeling disruptions in functions because you can’t sleep well enough. Around 10% of people around the world experience this condition and is qualified as a medical condition. It is not considered usually dangerous and qualifies for the condition.  There are many ways to treat the condition from medications to other mental health options are used to treat it. 

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is the condition when a person is feeling it hard to sleep, staying awake or waking up too early. It is a sleep disorder and can be a short-term condition (acute) or long-term condition (chronic). The condition may come and go; sometimes, the condition may remain for some nights to a few weeks, while sometimes, the condition may remain for several weeks to months. As adults, we need adequate sleep of around 7 to 9 hours per day and getting inconsistent or very little sleep can have health issues other than feeling tired.

What are the different types of Insomnia?

There are usually two types of insomnia which are divided into primary and secondary insomnia.

Primary Insomnia: This condition occurs when sleep problems are not linked with the other health issues of the person. 

Secondary Insomnia: When sleep conditions are due to the health-related issues of the person like asthma, depression, arthritis, cancer or heartburn, medications or substance use. These situations are responsible for the condition of secondary insomnia.

Other conditions related to the insomnia are:

Sleep-onset insomnia: Condition when a person is not able to sleep.

Sleep-maintenance insomnia: The condition happens when the person has trouble staying asleep for the whole night or he wakes up too early.

Mixed insomnia: This condition is the situation when a person has trouble in both falling asleep and staying asleep through the night.

Paradoxical Insomnia: This condition is the situation when a person underestimates the time time of asleep and feels like he sleeps a lot more than really he does.

What are the causes of Insomnia?

There are no particular causes for the condition of insomnia but researchers said there are various situations that can lead to the condition of insomnia. Here are the list of causes that lead to the condition of insomnia: 

Family History: Genetics plays an important role in the condition and a person with the condition can have hereditary traits from the family.

Medical conditions: Various health-related conditions can lead to insomnia, different conditions like acid refluxes, chronic pain, heart rhythm abnormalities, and Parkinson’s disease are the abnormalities that are related to the insomnia condition.

Mental Health conditions: Mental conditions like stress and anxiety play an important role in the condition of insomnia.

Life Circumstances: Having a hard and stressful life can lead to the condition of insomnia.

Life Changes: When there is a change in the routine of life or you may change home or during travel, your sleep cycle may be affected and can cause temporary insomnia condition.

Habit and Routine of the Person: Some people have the habit and routine of sleeping late or taking caffeine which can affect the natural sleep cycle and the person will end up not getting good quality sleep.

These are some of the conditions that are related to the insomnia.

What are the symptoms of Insomnia?

Various symptoms are related to the condition of insomnia and these symptoms are:

  • Waking up too early.
  • Not able to sleep properly.
  • Having a very hard time falling asleep.
  • Feeling tired and sleepy during the day.
  • Not able to focus or pay attention, focusing on tasks or remembering things.
  • More prone to errors and accidents.
  • Having sleep worries.
  • Always feeling anxious and depressed.

Which tests are used for the Insomnia condition?

There are various tests used for the insomnia condition and these tests are:

  • Sleep Studies
  • Actigraphy
  • Blood tests
  • Questionnaire
  • Fatal Familial Insomnia (Book Now)
  • Sleep-Deprived EEG (Book Now)


Insomnia is the condition of feeling disruptions in functions because you can’t sleep well enough. Around 10% of people around the world experience this condition, and it is qualified as a medical condition. The condition may come and go; sometimes, the condition may remain for some nights to a few weeks, while sometimes, the condition may remain for several weeks to months. There are two types of insomnia, i.e., primary and secondary. Various causes of insomnia are genetics, changes in sleep cycles, stress, anxiety, hard life etc.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What is the Insomnia?

Insomnia is the condition when a person is feeling it hard to sleep, staying awake or waking up too early. It is a sleep disorder and can be a short-term condition (acute) or long-term condition (chronic).

What are the symptoms of Insomnia?

Various symptoms of Insomnia are waking up too early, not being able to sleep properly, having a very hard time falling asleep and feeling tired and sleepy during the day.

What are the Causes of Insomnia?

Various causes of insomnia are genetics, changes in sleep cycles, stress, anxiety, hard life etc.

What are the Types of Insomnia?

There are two types of insomnia, i.e., primary and secondary.

How to book an online appointment for Insomnia in Delhi?

Patients can call at 011-47-444-444 / 011-47-333-333 or visit Ganesh's diagnostic website to book an appointment for Insomnia in Delhi.

What is the ICD-10 code for Insomnia Unspecified?

The ICD-10 code for unspecified insomnia is G47.00.

How can Patients download Insomnia Reports Online?

Patients can visit Ganesh's diagnostic website or call at 011-47-444-444 / 011-47-333-333 to download the Insomnia report online.

Which Ganesh Diagnostic Centre is near me in Delhi for the Insomnia Tests?

Ganesh Diagnostic centres for insomnia are in Rohini, Nangloi, Model Town, Hari Nagar, Mangol Puri, and Yamuna Vihar.