
4 Common Heart Disease Tests

4 Common Heart Disease Tests

In this article, we will discuss the 4 common tests used to detect heart disease, the procedure for each test, and the tests available in Delhi.

What is Heart Disease?

The heart is one of the most vital organs in the human body which is responsible for the pumping of blood to the whole of the body. The heart is at the centre of the circulatory system and consists of multiple layers of tissue. Blood carries nutrients, oxygen and body wastes to the respective cells and organs. Any abnormality in the heart impacts the whole functioning of the body or even death if not taken care of. 

Which Tests Are Used for the Diagnosis of Heart Disease?

Heart disease can be diagnosed through various tests. With the evolution of medical science and technology, different types of tests evolve with time. These tests give the functionality of the heart and any abnormal condition that the heart is going through. Healthcare expert advises the test for the heart based on the patient's condition and the symptoms he had.

Here is the list of tests used for Heart Disease diagnosis:

Cardiac PET Test (Positron Emission Tomography)

Cardiac PET Scan is the short form of positron emission tomography (PET) scan that is used to create images of abnormality in the heart. Cardiac PET is one of the advanced tests to look for minute abnormalities and suspected cancers in the heart. Cardiac PET scan is used to diagnose the condition, plan treatment and monitor the effect of treatment at various stages of the disease.

Steps for Cardiac PET Test

  • Injecting radioactive material Cardiac PET: Radioactive material (radioactive tracer) is injected into the blood for cardiac PET. The patient is advised to rest for almost 1 hour till the radioactive material reaches to heart. The test gives the details of the cells at the metabolic level.
  • Imaging of Heart: The patient is laid on the table attached to the scanner for the cardiac PET, the table slides into the scanner and the images of the heart are taken for diagnosis purposes.
  • Analysis of Heart Images: Images of the heart created from the scanner will be analysed by the healthcare expert. Based on the results, the cardiologist will advise the future course of action for the patient.

Cardiac CT Scan (Computed Tomography)

A Cardiac CT scan  (computed tomography scan) is a non-invasive test that uses motorized X-rays for the detection of abnormalities in the heart and related vessels. The procedure creates cross-sectional images of the heart that help to diagnose the heart conditions in detail. This procedure is also used to plan and see the effectiveness of the treatment. Cardiac CT scans are carried out in different steps.

Steps for Cardiac CT Scan Test

  • Injecting Contrast: Cardiac CT can be done with or without taking contrast depending on what healthcare expert has advised. In the case of contrast CT, the patient is given the contrast and made to wait for 1 hour. Contrast material in the test helps to get clearer and high-resolution images, which helps in the easy and early detection of heart conditions and required treatment.
  • Imaging of Heart: The patient is made to lie on the table, which is attached to the scanner. The table slides inside the scanner and images of the heart are captured. New CT scanners take helical and spiral images of the patient's heart, which help to give a more detailed view of the heart conditions and help for early and effective treatment.
  • Analysis of Heart Images: Images of the heart produced in the CT scan will be analysed by the healthcare expert and diagnose the condition. On the basis of the results, the healthcare expert will advise the future course of action for the heart condition of the patient.

 Cardiac MRI Scan (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

Cardiac MRI is the short form of magnetic resonance imaging scan test used to diagnose heart conditions. MRI is a non-invasive diagnostic procedure that uses radiowaves and magnetics to create pictures of the heart. Patients should alert the healthcare expert about any implants in the body. Magnetic radiation can cause reactions with the implants and can create problems. MRI is the preferred tool for the diagnosis of heart disease. Cardiac MRI is done in various steps and can be done with or without contrast. 

Steps for Cardiac MRI Scan Test:

  • Injecting contrast for Cardiac MRI: Cardiac MRI can be done with or without contrast. In cardiac contrast MRI, the patient will be injected with contrast such as gadolinium and allowed to rest till the contrast reaches the heart. Contrast material helps to generate good and high-resolution images of heart muscles which help to detect the abnormality easily and early. 
  • Imaging for Cardiac MRI: The patient is made to lie on the table attached to the scanner for cardiac MRI and the table is slid into the scanner for the imaging process. The magnet waves in the scanner make noise, so the patient should not worry about the sound. Some patients are provided earbuds to avoid or reduce the noise of magnetic waves during cardiac MRI. Patients are also advised to avoid any type of movement during cardiac MRI because the movement can blur the testing image of the heart which can affect the result.
  • Test Analysis: MRI Cardiac test images will be analysed by the healthcare expert who will advise the future course of action based on the test results of the heart. 

Cardiac Ultrasound or Echocardiogram

Cardiac Ultrasound or Echocardiogram is an imaging technique that uses sound waves for the detection of abnormalities. These images show how the blood flows through the heart and valves and the abnormalities related to the heart. An echocardiogram test can help identify damaged areas of the heart. Sound waves are produced by a transducer attached to the machine for heart abnormalities. Sound waves bounce back after hitting the heart and help to create the images of the heart. This procedure is used to look for different heart conditions and is the preferred procedure during pregnancy. The healthcare provider applies the gel on the body before doing to echocardiogram. The gel helps to move the transducer smoothly over the body and sound waves enter more effectively without deviation into the body. Sound waves after reflection from the heart are used to create images by the machine. The healthcare expert will analyse the images and advise future courses of action.

Where to go for a Heart Disease Test in Delhi?

Patients can visit Ganesh Diagnostic Centre for any type of heart disease test. The Centre provides heavy discounts on all types of tests with quality results. Below is the link to the tests:


The heart is the viral organ in the human body, and any abnormality in the heart can lead to abnormal body functioning. There are different types of radiological tests used for the diagnosis of heart diseases. Some of the tests include cardiac PET, cardiac CT, Cardiac MRI, echocardiogram etc. Patients can choose Ganesh Diagnostic Centre for any type of cardiac test in Delhi. The Centre provides heavy discounts with quality tests in Delhi.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What is Heart?

The heart is the vital organ in the circulatory system used to pump blood to all parts of the body. Blood carries nutrients, oxygen and waste material to respective body parts. 

What are the Different Types of Heart Disease Tests?

The different types of heart tests include Cardiac PET scan, Cardiac CT scan, Cardiac MRI scan, Echocardiogram etc.

What are the Symptoms of Heart Disease?

The symptoms of heart disease include chest pain, shortness of breath, cough fever, wheezing etc.

When to go for a Heart Disease Test?

A person can go for a heart disease test when a person feels the symptoms of heart disease like chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing etc.

Where to go for a Heart Disease Test in Delhi?

Patients can visit Ganesh Diagnostic Centre for any type of heart disease test in Delhi.

What is the ICD-10 code for Heart Disease?

The ICD-10 code for heart disease is I51.9.

How to download the Heart Disease Test Report Online?

Patients can visit Ganesh's diagnostic website or call at 011-47-444-444 / 011-47-333-333 to download heart disease test reports online.