
SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RT-PCR, Qualitative Test Cost & Procedure

SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RT-PCR, Qualitative

SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) Qualitative PCR

Book SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) Qualitative PCR Appointment Online at the best price in Delhi/NCR from Ganesh Diagnostic. NABL & NABH Accredited Diagnostic centre and Pathology lab in Delhi offering a wide range of Radiology & Pathology tests. Get Free Ambulance & Free Home Sample collection. 24 Hour Open.

₹ 1560 ₹ 1170

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Six articles are utilized by the UW Clinical Virology Laboratory in the Department of Lab Medicine and Pathology to find COVID-19 virus RNA.

The SARS CoV-2 Hologic Panther Transcription Mediated Amplification examination is the sixth one .

All tests are designed to identify SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid in nasal, oropharyngeal, and nasopharyngeal swabs qualitatively. Additionally, eligible samples for the UW SARS-CoV-2 Real-time RT-PCR assay are CSF, Sputum, faeces, plasma, and BAL. Sputum and BAL have the greatest positive rates of any specimen type when they are available. The conclusions relate to the identification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. 100% of positive agreement. 100% of the time there is disagreement.

Important Reminders

  • Laboratory Medicine at UW For inpatient settings, ensuring a turnaround time that can be used clinically will be given priority.
  • Either inpatient or outpatient testing We kindly invite interested customers to call CSS at 206-520-4600 if they wish to send testing to UW Virology.
  • We are unable to accept at-home gathered swabs at this time and are awaiting further FDA instructions.

Real-time RT PCR is utilized to glimpse SARS-CoV-2: see strategies for assay facts.

Unfavorable consequences do not judge COVID-19 and shouldn't be the mere characteristic deemed when earning patient antidote judgments. Clinical compliance, patient record, and epidemiological data must be incorporated with unfavorable outcomes.

During the acute grade of ailment, the SARS-CoV-2 RNA is generally glimpsed in the naso-/oropharynx. Sputum or BAL samples from the lower respiratory tract should be submitted if they are available since they have a better probability of detecting the virus. Positive results are a sign of an infection that is active.

Real-time RT-PCR: What is it?

Real-time RT-PCR is a nuclear-derived strategy for discerning whether any pathogen, including a virus, contains a respective hereditary material. The approach was initially used to identify specific genetic elements using radioactive isotope markers, but subsequent development replaced isotopic labelling with specialized markers, most typically fluorescent dyes. In contrast to conventional RT-PCR, which only reveals data at the conclusion of the process, this technology enables scientists to examine the results nearly instantly while the procedure is still underway.

One of the greatly utilized lab strategies for identifying the COVID-19 virus is real-time RT-PCR. Although many nations have employed real-time RT-PCR to diagnose other illnesses like the Ebola and Zika viruses, many still want assistance in adapting this technique for the COVID-19 virus and expanding their national testing capacities.

Test Type SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) Qualitative PCR

SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) RT-PCR, Qualitative (Pathology Test)


Within 24 hours*

Test Price ₹ 1170 ₹ 1560
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