Book CA-125 Ovarian Cancer Marker Appointment Online at the best price in Delhi/NCR from Ganesh Diagnostic. NABL & NABH Accredited Diagnostic centre and Pathology lab in Delhi offering a wide range of Radiology & Pathology tests. Get Free Ambulance & Free Home Sample collection. 24 Hour Open.
This examination estimates the amount of a polypeptide called CA-125 in a specimen of your blood. CA-125 is a variety of tumor markers. Elevated levels of specific tumor markers in your blood may be an indication of cancer. If you have cancer, estimating particular tumor markers may enable you to furnish crucial knowledge about how to care for your illness.
Elevated statuses of CA-125 are usually inaugurated in the populace who have ovarian tumor. The ovaries are a a squad of female reproductive glands that reserve ova and create female hormones. Ovarian tumor transpires when the compartments in an ovary begin to increase out of supervision.
If you have ovarian tumor, CA-125 blood investigations can asosist show whether your antidote is performing.
A CA-125 blood examination may be utilized
To notice if ovarian cancer therapy is functioning and to review for ovarian cancer that has arrived back. This is the greatly familiar usage of CA-125 blood experimenting.
To mesh for ovarian cancer if your hazard is very elevated. If your household fitness record comprises ovarian cancer, your medic may indicate a CA-125 blood examination and another examination to look for indications of cancer. But a CA-125 examination is not utilized as a routine filtering examination for people who don't have an elevated hazard for ovarian cancer. That's because numerous familiar situations that aren't cancer can also induce elation CA-125 statuses.
If you've been analyzed with ovarian tumor, you may have numerous CA-125 blood examinations
During your antidote see if your tumor is cruising away. If CA-125 statuses go down, it usually implies your therapy is operating
After your antidote, inspect whether your cancer has been repaid.
If you possess a chunk in your pelvis that could be tumor, you may mandate a CA-125 examination to discover out if it could be ovarian tumor . But merely a biopsy can decipher ovarian tumor.
If you have an extremely elevated hazard of getting ovarian cancer, your healthcare provider may indicate reviewing your CA-125 status. If they're elevated, you'll presumably require more examinations to discover if you have cancer.
Test Type | CA-125 Ovarian Cancer Marker |
Includes | CA-125 Ovarian Cancer Marker (Oncology) |
Preparation | |
Reporting | Within 24 hours* |
Test Price |
₹ 780
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