
What is the Preparation for an MRI scan?

What is the Preparation for an MRI scan?

The preparation for an MRI scan can vary depending on the type of scan being performed and the specific instructions from the healthcare provider. However, some general guidelines for MRI preparation include:

The preparation for an MRI scan can vary depending on the type of scan being performed and the specific instructions from the healthcare provider. However, some general guidelines for MRI preparation include:

  • Notify the healthcare provider of any metal in the body, such as pacemakers, implants, or metal fragments, as they may be contraindicated for MRI.
  • Avoid wearing clothing with zippers, buttons or snaps. Wear loose, comfortable clothing without metal to the MRI appointment.
  • Remove all jewelry, watches, and hair accessories before the scan.
  • Let the healthcare provider know if there is a possibility of pregnancy.
  • Fast for several hours before the scan if the healthcare provider instructs to do so.
  • Take any prescribed medications as usual, unless instructed otherwise by the healthcare provider.
  • Inform the healthcare provider of any allergies to contrast dye or medications.

It is important to follow all instructions from the healthcare provider to ensure the MRI scan is safe and accurate.