
Things That Patient Should Know About The MRI 3.0 T or 1.5 T

Things That Patient Should Know About The MRI 3.0 T or 1.5 T

Why Should Patients Know That The Machine Is 3.0T or 1.5T MRI?

Whenever any patient books the test for an MRI scan, he/she will always be entitled to know the difference between 3 Tesla and 1.5 Tesla. Which one is better for quality imaging to diagnose the diseases? But before choosing one of them it is important to get some information about Tesla.


For Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) a very large and strong magnet is used to create a radio wave. The radio waves are used to send signals to the body and return them. The returning signals are then converted into images using a computer attached to the MRI scanner.  


MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is a diagnostic imaging technique that utilizes a magnetic field and radio waves to produce the body’s internal organs and tissue detailed images. It produces three-dimensional images from several different angles. Various kinds of MRI scanners come in different magnet field strengths. The unit that defines the strength of a magnetic field is known as Tesla or “T”. 


To measure the strength of a magnetic field in an MRI machine, Tesla (T) is used. Different diagnostic centres use different tesla machines such as 1.5-tesla MRI machines and 3.0-tesla MRI machines. It’s so true about imaging techniques that MRI machine can be life-saving, as it provides clear information about the problems in the body. Different scanners operate at different strengths of 1.5 T and 3 T. Doctors recommend the scans such as a 1.5 tesla MRI scan or 3.0-tesla MRI scan according to the patient’s health condition.


  • What is a 3 Tesla MRI

A normal MRI machine uses magnets and radio waves to produce the images of body's internal structures. It makes it easy for doctors to examine the inside of a person's body with a non-invasive procedure. 3 Tesla MRI is an advanced diagnostic technique.  A Tesla(T) is a measuring unit used to measure the strength of a magnetic field.  A 3-Tesla MRI is 15 times stronger than an open MRI.  The strength of the magnetic field results in a clearer and more complete image.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Advantages

Every technology comes with a lot of advantages. 3 Tesla MRI has so many advantages. In this blog, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this advanced scanning technique.


  1. It is the fastest diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging technology.
  2. It offers more comfort than a typical MRI.
  3. It offers a more spacious tube. Because of this, the head of a patient can remain outside of the tube for scans that don't involve the spinal cord, neck, or head.
  4. It's ideal for imaging small bones and MRI of breast, musculoskeletal, neurological and vascular, where the minute details are crucial to diagnosis. 


  1. There is the possibility that images produced using this scan contain certain artifacts.
  2. It’s very costly
  3. It is not well-suited for patients with implants.
  4. In some people, it can cause overheating issues.
  5. It can create a dielectric effect as a shading artifact.
  6. It's not recommended for pregnant women.

What is a 1.5 Tesla MRI

A 1.5Tesla MRI machine is faster than standard and lower strength MRIs and is ideal for MRIs of the abdomens and chest. It is usually used for the MRI sequence where patients are asked to hold their breath.

Advantages and Disadvantages



  1. It is faster than lower-strength MRI
  2. It is ideal for abdomens and chest MRIs. 
  3. It produces quality-imaging results.
  4. It's safe to go into a 1.5T MR Scanner with some implants



  1. It is not good enough for Scanning for more detailed bodily organs.
  2. The level of clarity of images reduces in the case of scanning of the smaller organs.
  3. Patient waiting time is longer due to bottleneck situations.



Difference between 3 and 1.5 Tesla MRI

Both 3 Tesla MRI and 1.5 Tesla MRI are the most commonly used MRI scans. Both have a set of differences. So, we will discuss it. There are some important factors to consider when comparing both.



3 Tesla MRI

1.5 Tesla MRI

It causes issues with implants due to high magnet strength

 Implants are safe to go into the scanner due to low magnet strength

 It provides better image quality and better results due to improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio.

 It provides low image quality as compared to 3T

It is very easy to detect lesions in small and complex anatomical structures due to higher  temporal resolution

It fails to detect and scan images with good accuracy and details.

 It’s more efficient in the form of maintaining higher quality and time

 It’s not efficient in maintaining quality and time

It allows to image prostrate easily

 It becomes tough to image prostrate without the use of an  endorectal coil


Patients should know that the machine is 3 Tesla or 1.5 Tesla before MRI Scan

You have surely heard the term MRI in various medical conversations, blogs, etc. Even if you or your loved ones have never undergone an MRI scan. MRI scans and new techniques in MRI machines such as 3.0 Tesla and 1.5 Tesla. It’s good to know the techniques before undergoing a scan.


The MRI magnet strength is directly proportional to the signal amount that is received from the body during an MRI scan. The higher magnetic strength creates a more detailed image because the signal received from the body is used to create the images. But other factors are also affecting to know the quality of machine.


1. Safety of Implants

The safety of implants during the scan varies with the strength of the magnetic field. In 3.0 T the strength of signals is higher than 1.5 T, that’s why some implants are not safe to go into a 3.0 T scanner. That’s doctors especially recommend specific Tesla.


2. Quality of images

As compared to 1.5 Tesla, 3.0 Tesla operates at twice strength and provides a greater signal-to-noise ratio, in generating the highest quality of image, which is determinant.


3. Specific rate of absorption

The rate of energy that is being absorbed by the body during an MRI scan is and more heat is produced. For the patient, the high potential of absorption is harmful as an implant could heat and surrounding tissue may burn. That’s why the problem is not with the 1.5 T scanner as it’s less powerful.