
Raising Awareness For Hepatocellular Carcinoma : Join the Fight

Raising Awareness For Hepatocellular Carcinoma : Join the Fight

Liver cancer is a disease. Even though it is a fatal condition, early detection can result in a successful surgical procedure or liver transplant. Other treatments concentrate on reducing your symptoms and extending your life.

Liver cancer is a disease. Even though it is a fatal condition, early detection can result in a successful surgical procedure or liver transplant. Other treatments concentrate on reducing your symptoms and extending your life. Hepatocellular carcinoma-risk individuals should have routine cancer screenings.

Hepatocellular Carcinoma, or HCC, What is It?

The most prevalent type of liver cancer- Hepatocellular carcinoma. It is a dangerous condition that may be fatal. On early identification, it can be treated with surgery. Other therapies can reduce the tumor's size or halt its growth while also easing your symptoms. Hepatocellular carcinoma is connected to non-alcohol-related fatty liver disease and liver cirrhosis. (NAFLD). Hepatocellular carcinoma symptoms should be routinely examined in those with cirrhosis or NAFLD.

What Physical Effects does Hepatocellular Carcinoma have on me?

Hepatocellular carcinoma can eventually result in liver failure. Hepatocellular carcinoma, however, can prevent your liver from controlling important bodily processes before that. Your liver, among other things:

  • Keeps track of the nutrients in your body, transforms them into chemicals you can use, stores them, and then delivers them to your cells as needed.
  • Gathers harmful chemicals and checks to see if they are harmless or have been expelled from your body.
  • Supports normal blood flow, produces compounds that make your blood clot, and gets rid of infection-causing bacteria.

Who is Affected by It?

Hepatocellular carcinoma is more common in males over 60 than in women and younger men.

Hepatocellular Carcinoma is How Typical?

Hepatocellular carcinoma is regarded as a very uncommon type of cancer, with six new instances per 100,000 persons in the United States each year.

About 85% to 90% of all primary liver malignancies, or tumors that begin in the liver and not another part of the body, are hepatocellular carcinomas.

Is There a Cure for Hepatocellular Carcinoma?

The best alternatives for a cure are liver transplantation or surgery to remove your tumor. If surgery is not an option, there are alternative therapies to help you feel better, live longer, and decrease the tumor's growth.

Is Hepatocellular Carcinoma a Malignancy that Spreads Quickly?

Hepatocellular carcinoma develops initially extremely slowly. Years may pass before you start to experience any symptoms. As the condition gets worse, hepatocellular carcinoma grows more quickly.

How Long Will a Person with Hepatocellular Cancer Live?

Hepatocellular carcinoma cases vary from one another. Your prognosis, or anticipated outcome, is based on several variables.

Discuss your specific case with your healthcare practitioner. They'll have detailed knowledge of your situation and what you can anticipate.


Hepatocytes can develop a cancerous tumor called hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatocyte differentiation determines the characteristics of the cytology. HCC is both well-differentiated and poorly differentiated. The most typical architectural pattern is trabecular. Other patterns include compact, sarcomatoid, and pseudoscalar (acinar with proteinaceous material).

Depending on how the tissue is differentiated, histology may exhibit variation:

  • Cells that differ from normal ones are smaller, there is less nuclear atypia, and the nuclear density is double that of a healthy liver.
  • Larger tumor cells with more eosinophilic cytoplasm, pseudo glands, distinctive nucleoli, bile, and enormous tumor cells are examples of moderately differentiated tumor cells.
  • Large tumor cells with significant pleomorphism and hyperchromatic nuclei may be poorly differentiated and contain spindle cells or small-cell regions.

What Signs and Symptoms Indicate Hepatocellular Carcinoma?

Hepatocellular carcinoma is not the only illness that shares many of the same symptoms. However, if you experience any symptoms, consult your doctor. The disease-causing your symptoms will be found and treated.

Possible signs of the hepatocellular disease include:

  • Without making an effort, you are dropping weight.
  • you feel very full after a modest meal.
  • You're dizzy and throwing up.
  • On your right side, you become aware of a bulge or knot under your ribs.
  • On your left side, you feel fullness under your ribcage. This could indicate an enlarged spleen.
  • You feel an ache in your stomach or close to your right shoulder blade.
  • Your stomach feels bloated, as though it's absorbing liquid.
  • Your body itch.
  • Your complexion and eyes are becoming yellow or sallow. You may have jaundice if you exhibit this.

Hepatocellular Carcinoma: What Causes It?

The most frequent cause of hepatocellular carcinoma in liver cirrhosis. Healthcare providers are increasingly noticing.

  • The hepatitis B virus.
  • The hepatitis C virus.
  • Diabetes type 2.
  • Smoking.
  • Being overweight.
  • Excessive alcoholic beverage intake.

Discuss hepatocellular carcinoma screening with your healthcare provider if you currently have any of these conditions or have ever had any of them. Your healthcare practitioner can assist you in improving your health and lowering your risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma if you smoke, are obese, or use large amounts of alcohol.

Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Cancer

A thorough physical examination is the first step in the diagnosis of liver cancer, during which you discuss your symptoms and medical background. Other diagnostic techniques comprise:

  • Testing for Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP)
  • Serum Electrolytes
  • Imaging Exams
  • Hepatitis biopsy

Testing for alpha-fetoprotein

A fetus's liver produces a protein called alpha-fetoprotein (AFP). By the age of one year old, the blood level of AFP is almost zero.

Because liver tumors produce AFP, it is a tumor marker. An elevated AFP level may be a sign of liver cancer. A consistently increasing AFP level is typically a sign of liver cancer. Every three to four months, if you have hepatitis C, hepatitis B, or hemochromatosis and are a high-risk cirrhotic patient, your doctor might wish to check your AFP level.

Other tumor indicators may also be checked for by your doctor. Certain markers have increased sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing HCC, particularly when used in combination.

Serum Electrolytes

Serum Electrolytes is performed to measure the level of electrolytes in the body such as soidum,  chloride, potassium etc.

Imaging Exams

Your liver tumors can be found through imaging examinations. A detailed image of the anomalous area will be produced using a variety of imaging technologies:

  • Your liver can be visualized in great detail with ultrasound by using sound waves.
  • CT stands for computed tomography.
  • Magnetic waves are used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). To view the interior of your blood arteries and organs, angiograms are performed
  • To know the staging of the cancer, your doctor suggest you for whole body PET scan.

Hepatitis biopsy

Although a liver biopsy can provide a conclusive diagnosis, it may not be required. Without a biopsy, a diagnosis can be made if your AFP level is noticeably elevated and a tumor is visible on an imaging scan.

Your doctor could recommend a biopsy if the outcomes of other tests are unclear. A biopsy involves the removal of liver tissue, which is then sent to a pathology lab for examination.

Additionally, your medical team will want to stage the tumor, which establishes cancer's severity. Your doctor will assess you because severe cirrhosis and liver cancer are frequently linked.

Treatments for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Surgery- For those with early-stage liver tumors and normal liver function, surgery removes the disease and a margin of healthy tissue.

surgery for a liver transplant- In otherwise healthy individuals whose liver cancer hasn't gone beyond the liver, surgery to remove the complete liver and replace it with a liver from a donor may be an option.

Ablation methods- Methods that use high heat or cold to eliminate the cancer cells in the liver may be advised. These techniques include cryoablation, radiofrequency ablation, and ablation using alcohol or microwaves.

Directly administering radiation or chemotherapy to cancer cells- Doctors can deliver chemotherapy medications (chemoembolization) or tiny glass spheres holding radiation (radioembolization) straight to the cancer cells using a catheter that is inserted into your liver through your blood arteries.

Radiation treatment - If surgery is not a possibility, radiation therapy utilizing protons or X-ray energy may be suggested. Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT), a specialized form of radiation therapy, involves directing several radiation beams concurrently at one location on your body.

Specific pharmacological therapy -  Targeted medications may help limit the disease's progression by attacking particular flaws in the cancer cells.

Immunotherapy - Immunotherapy medications target cancer cells by activating your body's natural defenses against infection. An approach for treating advanced liver cancer is immunotherapy.

Scientific tests - You can test out novel liver cancer treatments by participating in clinical studies. If you want to know if you can take part in a clinical study, ask your doctor.

Multiple Diagnoses

The following are included in the differential diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC):

  • Cholangiocarcinoma
  • Hyperplasia of fibrous nodules
  • Cirrhosis-related dysplastic/regenerative nodules
  • Hepatic tumor
  • Hepatic primary lymphoma
  • Cirrhosis
  • Advanced cancer

When compared to hemangioma and liver metastatic illness, ultrasound with Doppler frequently shows fine branching patterns with enhanced vascularity and greater flow velocity. Regenerative nodules contrast with the rest of the parenchyma by appearing isoechoic or hypoechoic on the arterial phase, while HCC looks hypervascular on the arterial phase with portal venous washout. On a multiphasic CT scan, cholangiocarcinoma may show vascular and delayed enhancement.

Complications of Hepatocellular Cancer

Hepatic encephalopathy, portal vein thrombosis, deteriorating ascites, variceal hemorrhage, obstructive jaundice, and pyogenic liver abscess are among the hepatic consequences of hepatocellular carcinoma.

HCC might cause a life-threatening condition called intraperitoneal hemorrhage. Patients arrive with anemia, hypotension, and growing abdominal girth and pain. surgery and emergency angiography with embolization for bleeding management. For diagnosis, a CT abdomen scan without contrast is required.

The lung, intraabdominal lymph node, bone, and adrenal are the most typical extrahepatic metastases of HCC, accordingly. A rare extrahepatic symptom of HCC is a brain tumor.


Hepatocellular carcinoma has a five-year survival rate of 18%, which is second only to pancreatic cancer. The size of the tumor, its differentiation or grade on histology, the severity of the underlying liver disease, the presence or absence of metastases, and the extension of the tumor to nearby structures all affect the prognosis of individuals with HCC. A poor prognosis is related to Hepatocellular Cancer (HCC) which is poorly differentiated and has high levels of alpha-fetoprotein. Patients with HCC caused by the hepatitis B virus and positive serum HBeAg have a poor prognosis and are more likely to experience HCC recurrence. A higher risk for HCC and recurrence is linked to serum hepatitis B virus DNA levels. Diabetes mellitus has been linked to a poor prognosis and is a risk factor for the emergence of HCC.

How can I Lower My Chance of Getting Hepatocellular Carcinoma?

  • Get vaccinated against hepatitis B.
  • If you suspect you may have hepatitis B and C, consult your healthcare professional.
  • Reduce alcohol consumption.
  • Keep your weight at a healthy level.

Is It Possible For Me to Have an Illness That Raises My Risk and Not Know It?

Hepatocellular carcinoma is at risk for those who have hepatitis C. Without experiencing any symptoms or being aware of your infection, you may have hepatitis C. Your chance of contracting hepatitis C is increased by several behaviors and health issues.

Consult a medical professional if:

  • You've ever injected drugs, exchanged needles for drug usage in the prior six months, or engaged in unprotected sex during that time.
  • You are infected with HIV.
  • You underwent or are undergoing long-term hemodialysis.
  • You were born between 1945 and 1965. The majority of Americans with hepatitis C were born during this period.
  • Before 1987, you had a medication-treated blood coagulation issue.
  • You underwent an organ transplant or blood transfusion before July 1992. At this time, medical professionals began testing donated blood and organs for hepatitis C.

Hepatocellular carcinoma still hasn't been cured, but researchers are working on it. If your illness was discovered at an early stage, the tumor may have been surgically removed as part of your treatment. The liver may be transplanted. Those whose disease was discovered later in life can still receive the care and assistance they need to live longer and with better quality of life.