
Glucose Challenge Test (GCT) - Price, Purpose, Range

Glucose Challenge Test (GCT) - Price, Purpose, Range

Let's discuss in this blog the Glucose challenge test its purpose, symptoms, preparation, procedure and range.

The Glucose Challenge test (GCT) is a part prenatal test often performed during pregnancy to check for gestational Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes is a type of Diabetes that is developed during pregnancy and can affect both mother and baby. This test is usually performed between the 27-28th week of pregnancy to assess the risk and if comes positive then further diagnosis and test are referred as per the doctor's consultation, Choose the Ganesh Diagnostic Centre for a GCT test as we also provide free home blood sample collection and have NABL certification, so book your appointment and get tested with the best diagnostic centre.

Purpose of the GCT Test

Purpose of the GCT Test

  • Detection of Gestational Diabetes: Detection of gestational diabetes can be done during pregnancy, It is a type of diabetes that can develop during pregnancy and, if left untreated may lead to risks to both mother and baby.
  • Risk Analysis: It helps in the risk assessment by checking for factors such as age, family history, and pre-pregnancy weight that can increase your risk of gestational diabetes.
  • Early Diagnosis: If tested positive through early diagnosis your healthcare provider may suggest you manage this condition through diet, exercise, and medication, the disease can be controlled significantly.
  • Healthy Pregnancy and Baby: By checking for gestational diabetes one may go assess the health risks of the mother and baby during pregnancy. High blood sugar levels can cause complications like high birth weight, preterm birth, and cesarean delivery if uncontrolled.

Symptoms that Calls for GCT Test

  • Extreme Thirst (Polydipsia): you may feel more thirsty and your daily water intake increases than normal.
  • Frequent Urination (Polyuria): Excessive thirst can lead to frequent urination due to increased water intake.
  • Increased Hunger (Polyphagia): Due to improper appetite or change in eating habits the urge to eat more increases which could indicate gestational diabetes.
  • Blurred Vision: This is due to the high blood sugar level that affects eye lens leading to blurred vision during pregnancy.-
  • Unexplained Weight Loss: Due to improper appetite some women feel the loss of weight during pregnancy which may be a sign of gestational diabetes.

Health Complications for the Baby

Gestational diabetes can lead to several health complications in the baby if left untreated, however with proper medical care one can control this condition, Here are some of the diseases that can arise during gestational Diabetes

  • Macrosomia (Large Birth Weight): The newborns are at risk of being larger than average (macrosomia). This makes the birthing process more difficult and increases the risk of injury to the baby and complications during parturition.
  • Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar): Hypoglycemic conditions can be observed in newborns. This is because their insulin production may have been stimulated in response to the mother's high blood sugar levels.
  • Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS): Gestational diabetes increases may lead to underdeveloped lungs which causes breathing difficulties in the baby and causes Respiratory Distress syndrome.
  • Jaundice: The risk of Jaundice increases in newborns identified by yellowing of the skin and eyes.
  • Low Serum Calcium Levels (Hypocalcemia): Babies with gestational diabetes may experience low serum calcium levels, which can cause muscle twitching, irritability, and seizures.

Preparation for the GCT Test

This test doesn't require any additional preparation but under some conditions, you have to follow some instructions given by the doctor 

  • Inform your doctor if you are on medication or a health supplement as it may interfere with the result.
  • The GCT is performed between the 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy. Schedule your appointment with your health provider.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes to allow easy access for your arm for blood sample collection.
  • This test does not require fasting so you can eat and drink normally.
  • The GCT involves drinking the glucose solution and waiting for about one hour before having a blood sample taken. So book an appointment at your convenience.

Procedure for GCT Test

  • Firstly, a phlebotomist may tie a band around your upper arm to ensure the vein is visible.
  • They will clean the site using a disinfectant to minimise the risk of catching infection.
  • A syringe will be inserted into the vein to draw the appropriate amount of blood for the testing.
  • After blood sample collection, they will withdraw the needle and seal the site using a cotton ball.
  • After this the sample is checked for the presence of antibodies and a report is prepared and will be given within a stipulated time frame.

Glucose Challenge Test Report Interpretation

The Glucose Challenge Test checks how your body is consuming glucose after drinking the glucose solution. The blood glucose level is measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) Here's what the GCT report indicates:

  • Normal Range: The GCT test normal range is 140 mg/dl means no risk of gestational diabetes and you are healthy
  • Abnormal result: The range above 140 mg/dl means a higher risk of gestational diabetes and immediate medical attention is required for its treatment 

What Is the Cost of the GCT Blood Test in Delhi?

The cost of this test in Delhi ranges from 200-250 Rs but you may choose Ganesh Diagnostic which provides this test at an affordable price with a good discount Book your online appointment now and grab the opportunity.

Why Choose Ganesh Diagnostic?

Ganesh Diagnostic is one of the most reputed and prestigious Diagnostic centres that provides a 24*7*365 Days facility with 100% accurate test results we also provide the best and the right treatment to ensure patient safety and speedy recovery, Grab the opportunity and book an online appointment now. We also provide free blood sample collection at home for different tests.


During pregnancy the risk of gestational Diabetes increases and this may affect both the mother and baby, The GCT test proves to be a very helpful test that detects this disease during its early phase and provides valuable information about this disease that helps in giving the right treatment to both mother and baby, So if you are an expectant mother then must go for this test and get yourself tested with the best diagnostic centre near you.


What is GCT?

The glucose challenge test is used for the early diagnosis of gestational diabetes, a disease for which a baby is at higher risk during pregnancy

Is there any preparation required for this test?

No special preparation is required it only needs blood sample collection for testing.

What is the normal range for GCT?

The normal range of GCT is 140 mg/dl.

Can I drink water during the GCT test?

Drinking water is not allowed during this test as it may affect the glucose level and can interfere with our result

When and Why the glucose Challenge test is performed?

This test is performed during the 28th week of pregnancy to check for the risk of Gestational Diabetes.