
9 Essential Tips To Keep Your Child Healthy And Fit This Summer!

9 Essential Tips To Keep Your Child Healthy And Fit This Summer!

With the tips and tricks that are explained in this blog, you do not need to worry or get anxious and compromise your child’s enjoyment.

The summer season, for which every child looks forward to make sure they can enjoy themselves to the fullest. After all, the summer vacations allow them for long family trips and long lazy days on too-hot days. Not only the holidays, but the summer vacations are loved for the unlimited enjoyment of the sweet pleasure of ice creams, icy-cold drinks, and the long enjoyment of full days. In short, summers, especially summer vacations are the most loved season by children as it bring laughter and joy into their lives. It also brings little adventures to their monotonous routines. We all know how important is the summer season for your child, but being a parent it is critical to take your child’s care by beating the scorching heat. 

Expert Advice for Ensuring Your Child's Well-being in the Summer Heat

Expert Advice for Ensuring Your Child Well-being in the Summer Heat

Prefer Breezy Clothes

You should make your children wear light-colored clothes, full-sleeved clothes as they helps the skin cells to avoid the sun’s harmful rays. Light-colored clothes act as a reflectors of sunlight and absorb less heat, that help keep your child cool.

Maintain Proper Hydration

70 percent of our body is made up of water content. Keep your children’s hydration maintained as it will keep their body cool and hydrated. You can also supplement your diet with high water content ones including lemonade and fresh juices.

Use Sunglasses 

Wearing sunglasses will allow less UV radiation to pass through. These UV radiations can lead to eye cell damage and can risk your child’s health. Moreover, children are more susceptible to UV radiation. Sunglasses act as a barrier that will help protect your kid’s eyes by up to 99% from the deadly heat wave.

Apply Sunscreen

For the best sun protection, apple sunscreen 30 minutes before going into sunlight. Sunscreen contains certain ingredients that help protect your child’s skin from the damage of sun rays. Sunburns can damage your child’s skin. Sunscreen containing SPF of 30 or more for achieving the best results. Do not forget to apply sunscreen after swimming.

Stay Indoors During the Afternoon Heat

11 a.m. to 3 p.m. is the peak sunlight time. The heat waves at this particular time appear most dangerous and can affect your children’s overall health. Overexposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun, especially in the melting summer can dehydrate and sunburn your child’s skin and can become the cause of skin cancer. So, make sure to not allow your kids out in the afternoon heat. And do not forget to apply sunscreen during the daytime.

Select Healthy and Digestible Foods

To enable your child’s overall health and good digestion include fruits including cucumber, watermelon, melons, buttermilk, leafy greens, mango, curd, lemon, yoghurt, avocado, fish, coconut, mint, etc. Avoid giving more spices in summer, as eating heavy, spicy, and oily food with increase the heart and can also potentially damage the skin.

Cleanse the Body With the Shower or Bath

On a hot burning sunny day, to keep your child’s body temperature low, let them have a bath 2-3 times in a day. It can also be aided through a fun activity, including swimming. Moreover, swimming is not just a fun activity but it also aids keep your body hydrated.

Create a Healthy Routine

It is important to keep your child safe from the damaging sunlight time and prevent them from playing outside during this time. It can be a little difficult to stop children from playing outdoors as it's their favorite activity. You can engage them in certain creative activities including craft and art, or inculcate a reading habit and make their summer holidays the most memorable ones.

Prevent Insects That Tend to Bite

You should know the insects that come out only during the summertime. When the weather gets too hot, the creepy crawlies come to play and bite your little ones along. You should use insect repellent and other sprays to prevent these invisible enemies. However, consulting your doctor and seeking his advice would be the best choice.

Perfect Solution to Enjoy Your Summer

Make your summer the best time to enjoy a family trip yet keeping your child safe from getting certain infections. However, take the symptoms of heatstroke seriously. These might include sunburn, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, etc. you can also take certain preventive screen tests from Ganesh Diagnosic and Imaging Center like 

Full body checkup, Blood Test with home blood sample collection.