
Complete vitamin test: Debunking myths, and other things to know

Complete vitamin test: Debunking myths, and other things to know

For our bodies to function properly, we need nutrients in adequate quantity, of which vitamins form an essential part. We get our vitamins from diet or supplements. Any deficiency in the vitamin level can spell trouble for...


For our bodies to function properly, we need nutrients in adequate quantity, of which vitamins form an essential part. We get our vitamins from diet or supplements. Any deficiency in the vitamin level can spell trouble for us. 

Vitamin tests play an important role by helping people to know if they are deficient in certain vitamins or have excess in their bodies. Equipped with the knowledge of vitamins and the requirements of the body, one can change the diet accordingly to make it a complete one with all nutrients. 

Why do doctors order a vitamin profile test?

A vitamin profile test is ordered by your doctor when he wants to diagnose any vitamin deficiency in your blood like vitamin D, vitamin B12, and micronutrient deficiency. It is important to note that a healthy level of Vitamin B12, calcium, and magnesium is required for the body's proper functioning of nerves, muscles, and heart health.

This test measures 25 hydroxy vitamin D levels in the blood. When the levels are seen as abnormal, PTH blood levels are tested, apart from calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B12.  

When the vitamin D level is low, it can help to diagnose a case of secondary hyperparathyroidism. A PTH test is most commonly used clubbing with vitamin D levels to diagnose hypoparathyroidism and also monitor kidney disease. It is also helpful in diagnosing the cause of osteoporosis and kidney stones. 

Different Types of Vitamin Tests

There are a slew of vitamin tests, which help to measure the level of a different vitamin in the body. Among them, the most common vitamin tests are for vitamins A, B12, and D.

Vitamin A tests are conducted to measure the level of retinol, which is a form of vitamin A stored in the liver.

Vitamin B12 tests help us to measure the level of cobalamin, the active form of vitamin B12. 

On the other hand, vitamin D tests give us the measure of the level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D. It is the form of vitamin D that runs in our blood.

Another type of vitamin test called the serum folate test detects the level of folate in the blood. This test can help us to diagnose any deficiency in the folate level, which is responsible for problems like birth defects and neural tube defects.

To measure the level of calcium in our blood there is the serum calcium test. This test helps us to ascertain if there is a calcium deficiency in our blood, which is a prime reason for diseases like osteoporosis and bone fractures. 

To measure the level of vitamin C in our blood, doctors order for a serum vitamin C test. This test can provide us with a clue to assess the level of risk for deficiency or toxicity. 

How are vitamin tests conducted? 

Vitamin tests, which are carried out to check the level of vitamins in our body, comprise different types as discussed above. A doctor will advise a particular test or all of the above depending on individual cases. 

The most common way to conduct a vitamin test is through a blood test. This type of blood test can find out the levels of vitamins in the blood, and it can also predict how well the body is absorbing the vitamins. Other ways to conduct vitamin tests include urine tests and hair tests.

Urine tests are helpful because they show the amount of a particular vitamin being flushed out by the body. This information is crucial for the doctor to ascertain if someone is consuming too much of a particular vitamin or too little. 

Certain vitamins get stored in our hair follicles. So, hair tests help doctors to measure the levels of vitamins stored in hair follicles. This information shed light on the amount of vitamins or how well our body is using the vitamin consumed by a person. 

There is no risk associated with vitamin tests and generally considered safe. But some people may face some difficulties. One may experience a side effect. Also, there is a risk of dirty needles giving infection to the person, when proper sterilization of the needles is not adhered to. 

How do we benefit from vitamin tests?

Vitamin testing comes with a host of benefits, one of which is the early detection of any deficiencies. It can result in improved nutrient intake and receiving a tailored nutritional plan from the doctor.

Vitamins tests offer great insight into the effectiveness of supplements and can also predict if an individual may benefit from higher doses. These tests also serve as a monitoring of a person’s response to treatment for several conditions.

These tests can provide information on which foods or supplements are best for an individual or whether he or she should consume more or less of them to enhance their overall nutritional intake. 

Who is a candidate for Vitamin Tests?

A doctor usually prescribes vitamin tests for an individual who is at risk for vitamin deficiencies or one who consumes supplements. Vitamin deficiencies can be a cause of many health problems. So, it is a necessity to get a vitamin test done to ensure that one is getting the nutrients required for the body.

So, a person may be advised a vitamin test if he/she falls in any of the following:

  • Exhibits signs of a vitamin deficiency such as fatigue, joint pain, muscle weakness, or brittle nails
  • Plagued by malabsorption syndrome or other ailments that impact nutrient absorption
  • Consumes vegetarian or vegan diet
  • Has an eating disorder
  • Acute drinking problem 
  • Suffers from chronic stress
  • Vitamin deficiencies running in the family, etc. 

A complete Vitamin Profile test or all-vitamin test is generally referred to as a comprehensive package that examines the Fat-Soluble Vitamins as well as the Water-Soluble Vitamins. And if you want to know more about the vitamin test cost, you must contact the particular healthcare facility or diagnostic center beforehand. They will be able to provide an exact quote for all vitamin test costs. 


So, we now know that vitamins are an essential part of our nutrients, and testing vitamins help us to detect any deficiency or excess vitamins. This is a great way to eliminate health risks, build strong immunity, and maintain our overall health.

Abnormality in our vitamin levels can lead to a lot of problems in our day-to-day life like lethargy, irritation, fatigue, muscle spasm, anemia, toxicity, and psychological disorders, among others. A complete vitamin profile is one of the best ways to address this.


Do we need any preparations for the Vitamin Profile Test?

A complete vitamin profile comprises many tests and the doctor may provide all the necessary instructions beforehand. Some of the basic and common steps would be:

  • Fasting for 12 to 14 hours before the test
  • Abstaining from drinking alcohol or smoking before the test
  • Informing the doctor about current medications and dietary supplements

Blood samples for the complete vitamin tests are generally taken in the morning before people have their breakfast and any medicines. 

What are the different names of the Vitamin Profile test?

The vitamin profile test is also known as 25-hydroxyvitamin D, Vitamin D,

PTH, Parathyroid hormone, Vitamin B12, Active Vitamin B12, holotranscobalamin, HoloTC, Ionized Calcium, Magnesium.

Is there any test for all vitamins?

Most deficiencies of vitamins and minerals can be detected with the help of a blood test, such as a finger-prick blood test (using a lancet), a venous blood test, etc. 

Is there a test for all vitamin deficiencies?

It is possible to evaluate if a person has nutritional deficiencies like vitamins in the body with the help of blood tests. These blood tests can measure the amounts of essential nutrients in a person’s body, which detects nutritional deficits, including vitamin deficiency.

How do I check my vitamin levels?

You can check your vitamin levels with an all-vitamin test. This is a blood test that is generally ordered by your doctor. The lab technician will draw blood out to check any deficiency or excess of vitamins in the body. Based on the results, the doctor will advise you on what to do next.

What are the symptoms of vitamin deficiency?

Some of the telltale signs of vitamin deficiency are:

  • Fatigue
  • Unable to sleep well
  • Bone pain or achiness
  • Depression or feeling sad all the time 
  • Hair loss
  • Weakness in the muscles
  • Loss of appetite
  • Getting sick more often
  • Pale skin, etc.

How can one raise the level of vitamin D and B12?

Deficiencies in vitamin D and B12 can be dealt with treatment. One should eat a lot of nutritious food like beef, liver, chicken, fortified breakfast cereal, fish and shellfish such as trout, salmon, tuna fish, and clams, low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, and eggs. Eating these foods can increase the level of the above vitamins. However, it is important to consult your doctor and take a complete vitamin profile test.