
MRI Brain Tumor Protocol - Test, Procedure & Cost

MRI Brain Tumor Protocol

MRI Brain Tumor Protocol

Book MRI Brain Tumor Protocol Appointment Online at the best price in Delhi/NCR from Ganesh Diagnostic. NABL & NABH Accredited Diagnostic centre in Delhi offering a wide range of Radiology & Pathology tests. Get Free Ambulance & Free Sample collection from Home. 24 Hour Open.

₹ 20000 ₹ 10000

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MRI Protocol for brain tumor is a diagnostic technique which assesses the CNS tumours through MRI sequences. 

An MRI technique helps to show the cellular structure of the brain. Another technique called "perfusion imaging" shows how much blood is reaching the tumor. These methods may help doctors predict how well treatment will work and as confirmatory diagnosis. Also assess the metastasis to other organs. 

Why Do You Need MRI Brain Tumor Protocol?

Indications for MRI Brain Tumor Protocol are

  • Transient ischemic attack
  • Cerebrovuscular attack
  • Inflammation, swelling or infection in  brain
  • Encephalititis
  • Dementia
  • Brain tumor
  • Brain abscess
  •  Cancer metastatic from other organs
  • Cerebral lesion 
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Congenital abnormalities
  • Vascular pathologies
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Haemorrhage 
  • Post operative follow up 

MRI Brain Tumor Protocol Parameters

The different parameters involved in this Protocol, are as follows:




The Brain MRI would help the doctors that look for the conditions , could be due to the following conditions:

  • Bleeding
  • Swelling
  • Problems With Ways Brain Developed,
  • Any Tumors
  • Any Infections
  • Inflammation
  • Injury
  • Stroke
  • Blood Vessels


In the diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI), the image could have a contrast which is also determined by any random microscopic motion of CNS.

During the last years, DWI has also become any previous modality of the diagnostic work-up of the acute ischemia in the CNS.



Diffusion MRI: The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) has the values in normal brain along with classification of the brain disorders based on the ADC values.


The Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging that is  (CE-MRI), is the lab test performed to get the enhanced picture of your Brain


The basis for any perfusion of your MR imaging which is the exploitation of the signal changes that accompany the passage of any radiotracer as it passes through your cerebrovascular system.


Sophisticated computer calculation, these could be 2-dimensional slices and this can be joined together to further produce the 3-dimensional model of an area of interest of becoming scanned. This is called the 3D MRI MUL-VOX.

What Is the Procedure of  MRI Brain Tumor Protocol?

Before the procedure

  • Instructions of eating and drinking before the MRI Scan may vary depend on your condition.
  • Tell your health provider about your medical history, pregnancy, claustrophobia they will guide you about your medication intake.
  • Remove your jewellery, hairpin and any metallic objects before the Scan
  • It’s important to tell your doctor and MRI technologist if you have any of the following

Cardiac pacemaker

Dental implants

Cochlear implant

  • You will be asked to wear comfortable clothes.
  • In case of MRI of brain with contrast media, contrast media is injected via IV.

During the Procedure

Patient will be positioned in a moving table. Technologist may place a device over your head that contain magnetic coil which is capable of sending and receiving radiowaves. After that you will be placed in MRI machine and scanning is done.

Radiologist evaluates the obtained images and makes a report.

The complete procedure is usually completed within 45 minutes

After the Procedure

You can back to your normal routine unless contrast media is injected. In case of MRI with contrast media you may be monitored for a short period of time.

MRI scan will be analyzed by radiologist and result will be shared with your doctor.

What Is MRI Brain Protocol?

MRI brain tumor protocol involves tree-plane localizer and sequences. It involves:

  • T2 TSE Axial
  • T2 Flair Axial
  • DWI axial 
  • T1 SE Coronal 
  • T2 TSE sagittal 

MRI images will be accessed by the radiologist trained to interpret and write a report on them. Usually reporting will take 1-2 days; however, if the MRI was don emergency basis, the results could be provided quickly.

The price of MRI brain tumor protocol ranges from Rs 8000/- to Rs 45000/- 

Book MRI Brain Tumor Protocol Online at Ganesh Diagnostic

To provide hassle-free diagnostic service we also provide online service to book your appointment. At Ganesh Diagnostic, you can book MRI Brain Tumor Protocol test by scheduling your appointment. Quick, non-invasive MRI appointment is available for detailed insights into your body. Schedule now for a comprehensive health assessment. We are 24/7 Available at your service.

For more information you can contact us 

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Test Type MRI Brain Tumor Protocol

MRI Brain Tumor Protocol (MRI Scan)


Within 4-6 hours*

Test Price ₹ 10000 ₹ 20000
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