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Top ECG Testing Centre in Karkardooma, Delhi

An ECG is non invasive test used that is used to record the electrical activity of the heart.

Diagnosis of heart condition is most crucial for monitoring disease. Any abnormality in the heart rhythm or rate, or damage to heart muscle changes the electrical activity of the heart.

GANESH DIAGNOSTIC AND IMAGING CENTRE is one of the pioneering diagnostic centres that serve to their patient with utmost priority. Our centre offers a full array of diagnostic services. We are affiliated with NABH and NABL certification for our best service.

Choose the Best Diagnostic Centre or laboratory carefully because one wrong decision can put you in danger. Best stress Echo center in Karkardooma. We offer best testing with accurate results than can optimize the scope of decision making and healthcare treatments.

In the age of rapid advancement in the medical field we use crucial advanced tool for diagnosing disease. It’s a relief to us and you, that we do have advance equipments and specialized doctors for various clinical issues.

Ganesh Diagnostic Centre is one stop for all your heart need. Stress echo test near me at most affordable price.

What is an ECG test?

An ECG or electrocardiogram test is a painless diagnostic technique that records the electrical activity. These recorded signals identify any abnormal electrical activity, indicative of a heart illness or the risk of one. These electrical impulses made with each heartbeat and these impulses are categorized in three waves are-

First Wave/ P Wave- This wave is generated from the heart's upper chamber.

Second Wave/ QRS Complex- This wave is generated from left and right chambers with each electrical pulse.

Third Wave/ T Wave- It indicates the ventricles going into a resting phase.

Why ECG Is Done?

ECG/ EKG test in the best diagnostic centre – Check the signs of heart disease.

With this test doctor can identify the following conditions-

Check or monitor abnormal heart rhythm

Detect heart attack

Detect the poor blood flow to heart muscle (ischemia)

Heart inflammation (pericarditis or myocarditis)

Also monitor the medicine or pacemaker effects on the heart.

Doctor advice ECG test or EKG test for a person with the following symptoms-

Some warning signs of angina which needs ECG/EKG are-

  • Nausea, indigestion, vomiting
  • Pain in your chest, arms, shoulder, neck, jaw or back
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating or cold sweat

How To Prepare for a Stress Echocardiogram / ECG?

An ECG is simple non invasive test. Usually doesn’t need any special preparation.

  • You can eat and drink before anything unless your doctor has advice.
  • Inform your doctor about medial history or surgical history before ECG test.
  • The skin should be dry, clean, and devoid of lotions and oils for an ECG to function properly. Hair gets in the way of the electrodes sticking to the skin effectively, so it may be essential to sometimes shave the skin. 

Procedure- Healthcare provider asks you to lie on a bed and will attach 10 electrodes with adhesive pads to the skin of your arms, legs and chest.

The heart signals are recorded and shown as waves on a attached computer device or printer.

Once the test is complete the electrodes are removed and the result is interpreted by a qualified doctor. The entire procedure takes about 10 minutes.

Why Choose Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre for Reliable ECG Test In Karkardooma?

An ECG test can be used to quickly assess heart health and identify heart problems. You may prevent or treat heart diseases and lead a healthy life by taking good care of your heart and by listening to medical advice. Contact the Ganesh Diagnostic And Imaging Centre right now if you're searching for an ECG/EKG test in Karkardooma. You will undoubtedly receive the appropriate advice at a reasonable ECG test cost because of its remarkable reputation for flawless clinical care, the best technical standards, and exceptional medical ethics.

We offer 24X7 emergency service in Karkardooma. and FREE AMBULANCE SERVICE that provide specialized care for your Heart.

Features of an Excellent ECG Test Centre

  • Best service and support
  • Free consultation
  • Cost friendly
  • ECG TEST at anytime
  • Accurate Diagnosis and Treatment
  • Early detection of disease
  • Monitoring of chronic disease
  • Reliable and accurate results
  • Positive feedback of millions of patients from last 22years

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What Is the Difference Between ECG and EKG?

ECG and EKG are the same procedure. ECG also known as electrocardiogram or Electrokaediogram. EKG test is used to detect the abnormalities in your heart.

What Is Shown in ECG EKG?

ECG records the pulses generated by a heart, the rhythm of the heart beat, diagnoses various conditions like blocked blood vessels, heart attack, heart failure and other heart related abnormalities.

Why Are Other Tests Needed With ECG?

ECG doesn’t show whether you have asymptomatic blockages in your heart arteries or can’t predict the risk of future heart attack.

Is ECG Harmful?

EKG ECG test is a harmless non-invasive procedure that measures the heart's electrical activity.

What’s the Need of ECG for Pericarditis?

ECG pericarditis can evaluate the Acute as well as chronic pericarditis. With the help of ECG doctor can understand the pericardial inflammation and heart function. For further or confirmation CT scan is done to look for thickening of heart that may be the sign of constrictive pericarditis.

Can Myocarditis Detected ECG?

ECG can detect variety of heart disorders including myocarditis. ECG can detect the inflammation as well as area of the hart that is inflamed.

What Is Normal EKG or ECG?

Your heart should beat evenly between 60 and 100 times per minute if the test results are normal. A fast, slow, or aberrant heart rhythm, a heart defect, coronary artery disease, heart valve disease, or an enlarged heart are just a few of the numerous cardiac disorders that can be detected on an ECG.