
What to Eat in Typhoid for Fast Recovery?

What to Eat in Typhoid for Fast Recovery?

During typhoid fever, it's crucial to prioritize easily digestible foods that provide essential nutrients to support your body's recovery. Here's a comprehensive guide on what to eat to facilitate a faster recovery.

Typhoid also known as enteric fever caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi, it is spread through contaminated food and water and affects the small intestine of our body, this disease usually goes up on its own through certain medications, but there may be some after-effects of the disease that requires proper diet for easy recovery here in this blog we will discuss some food that helps you for the fast recovery.

Foods to Eat In Typhoid For Fast Recovery

Foods to Eat In Typhoid For Fast Recovery

Clean and Clear Fluids: For easy and fast recovery your doctor may suggest you keep yourself hydrated during the condition as the high fever and other gastrointestinal symptoms of Typhoid can dehydrate your body so drinking an adequate quantity of clear liquid in a good quantity is essential and highly recommended to maintain electrolyte balance through proper intake of water for fast recovery.

What to have?

  • Clean water
  • Herbal teas
  • Coconut water
  • Soups

Protein-Rich Foods: During recovery, you may need a good amount of protein for the immune system to recover fast as proteins are a rich source of energy and also help in repairing the tissues of the intestine affected by the bacterium So take it as per the doctor consultation and Incorporate lean protein and avoid heavily seasoned meals, as they may be harder to digest and can influence your recovery.

What to have?

  • Boiled or grilled chicken
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Lentils

Probiotic-Rich Foods: Include probiotic-rich foods like green apple, and buttermilk these help in providing the natural balance of gut bacteria that are disrupted by the influence of typhoid and lead to a condition like constipation and diarrhoea Adding Probiotic-Rich Foods helps your body replenish good bacteria in the gut, aiding digestion and improving the immune system and overall health.

What to have?

  • Yoghurt
  • Fermented vegetables

Bland Foods: Include bland foods that contain less fat and fruits containing low fibre As soon as the fever goes and your body starts recovering when your appetite returns to normal, these foods are easy to digest, gentle on the stomach, and meet your body’s nutritional needs without disrupting digestive system.

What to Have?

  • Plain rice
  • Boiled potatoes
  • Toast
  • Daliya
  • Boiled or steamed vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables: Most of the Vitamins and minerals during typhoid infection, Therefore for a speedy recovery must add fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients as these complete your all nutrient demands required for a healthy body.

What to Have?

  • Bananas
  • Watermelon
  • Grapes
  • Carrots
  • Pumpkin
  • Spinach

Foods to Avoid While Recovering from Thyphoid

  • Take food that is low in fibre and fats like bland food as food containing high fibre is difficult to digest and may disrupt the digestive system.
  • Avoid spicy food as it can irritate the digestive system and intestine.
  • Avoid processed, fatty and oily foods during recovery and should be avoided for a while.
  • Avoid food like legumes that may result in a gassy stomach, which should be avoided during Typhoid as it can make you feel bloated and may cause digestive discomfort.


Typhoid is a serious medical condition that needs complete attention, especially when it is on the road to recovery. Since is essential for our health it is essential to be extra careful of certain foods during the recovery time. Before adding any specific food to your diet Consult a healthcare provider and take their appropriate suggestion also keep a check on your Typhoid status and always monitor the treatment and how much you have recovered from the condition, they may guide you about what food would be ideal and what should be avoided during Typhoid and suggest you the same foods for easy and fast recovery as per the medical condition.


What is typhoid fever?

Typhoid fever also known as enteric fever caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi it affects our gut and spreads through contaminated food and water.

How does this disease spread in our body?

This disease spreads in four stages and at the fourth stage, our body starts recovering and takes an appropriate diet as per the doctor's consultation.

What are the foods that help in speedy recovery after typhoid infection?

Foods like- Protein-rich foods, Bland food, probiotic-rich food and foods low in fibre and fat help you in easy recovery and provide you with essential nutrients for easy recovery.