
What is the Procedure of an MRI Scan?

What is the Procedure of an MRI Scan?

After the scan is complete, the images will be reviewed and interpreted by a radiologist, who will send a report to your doctor. Your doctor will then discuss the results with you and determine any necessary follow-up or...

The procedure for an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan typically involves the following steps:

  • Preparation: Before the scan, you will be asked to remove any metal objects or clothing that contain metal, such as jewelry or clothing with zippers, snaps, or buttons. You may be instructed to change clothing into a hospital gown.
  • Positioning: You will lie down on a table that slides into the MRI machine. Depending on the body part being scanned, you may be positioned headfirst or feet first. You will be given earplugs or headphones to wear to help block out the noise from the MRI machine.
  • Imaging: The MRI machine uses a powerful magnet and radio waves to produce images of the body. You will need to lie still during the scan to prevent any blurring of the images. The technician may also ask you to hold your breath for short periods of time to help improve image quality. The machine may produce loud tapping or knocking noises during the scan, but you can communicate with the technician via an intercom system.
  • Contrast dye (if needed): Depending on the reason for the scan, your doctor may request that contrast dye be used to help highlight certain areas of the body. The dye is injected into a vein in your arm before or during the scan.
  • Completion: Once the scan is complete, the technician will slide you out of the machine and remove any IV lines or electrodes that were used during the scan. You be able to start again your normal activities immediately after the scan.

After the scan is complete, the images will be reviewed and interpreted by a radiologist, who will send a report to your doctor. Your doctor will then discuss the results with you and determine any necessary follow-up or treatment.