
What is the Meaning of Colors in Color Doppler Ultrasound?

What is the Meaning of Colors in Color Doppler Ultrasound?

Color Doppler Ultrasound is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that uses color coding to visualize and assess blood flow in the body. The color coding used in the images helps to differentiate between the direction and speed of...

Color Doppler Ultrasound is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that uses color coding to visualize and assess blood flow in the body. The color coding used in the images helps to differentiate between the direction and speed of blood flow in the vessels. The following are the most common color meanings used in Color Doppler Ultrasound:

  • Red Color
  • Blue Color
  • Green Color
  • Yellow or Orange Color

Red Color: Red color indicates blood flow towards the transducer or probe. It is used to represent arterial blood flow, which is oxygen-rich and typically flows in a pulsatile manner.

Blue Color: Blue color indicates blood flow away from the transducer. It is used to represent venous blood flow, which is typically slower and less pulsatile than arterial blood flow.

Green Color: Green color indicates low velocity in blood flow, such as blood flow in capillaries and it is most typically used in more advanced Color Doppler ultrasound systems.

Yellow or orange color: Yellow or orange color represents turbulent blood flow, which may be due to the presence of stenosis or other abnormalities in the blood vessels.

In addition to these colors, Color Doppler ultrasound may also use other colors or shades to represent different flow velocities or to highlight specific areas of interest. The specific colors used may vary depending on the ultrasound system and the preferences of the interpreting physician or technician.