
What is the Duration and Procedure for EMG and NCV Test?

What is the Duration and Procedure for EMG and NCV Test?

The machine displays waves and spikes on the monitor, which will be interpreted by your Doctor to diagnose the conditions you are suffering from.

On average  30-60 minutes are usually taken to perform EMG or NCV tests.

Procedure  for EMG test:

  • You will be allowed to either sit or lie on the examination table.
  • Your body area to be tested is cleaned properly.
  • Then needle electrode will be placed into the muscle to measure electrical activity in your muscles. When the electrodes are inserted then you may feel slight pain or discomfort.
  • These electrodes will transmit signals which are then recorded in the machine connected.
  • After placing electrodes, you will be asked to contract and relax muscles and the machine will record this activity.
  • The machine displays waves and spikes on the monitor, which will be interpreted by your Doctor to diagnose the conditions you are suffering from.

Procedure for Nerve conduction velocity(NCV) Test:

  • You will be allowed to either sit or lie on the examination table.
  • One or more electrodes are attached to the part which need to be tested.
  • These electrodes deliver a mild electrical impulse which may be perceived as painful by some people.
  • Response to electrical stimulation from nerves is recorded and analyzed. The speed at which response is produced and impulse travel in your nerves is called as nerve conduction velocity.