
Gallstones: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Gallstones: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

The Gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ on the right side of your abdomen. The main function of gallbladder is to store bile which helps in digestion. Gallstones are small pebble-like objects.

Other Names- Gall Bladder Stones. Cholelithiasis

The Gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ on the right side of your abdomen. The main function of gallbladder is to store bile which helps in digestion. Gallstones are small pebble-like objects. These stones are made up of bile material in gallbladder or in bile ducts. They can be as small as grains or it can be as large as golf balls. The gallbladder is connected with the liver and intestine via bile ducts and a small tube.

A large gall bladder stones can block the bile duct causing pain and secondary infections. Cholecystitis is an inflammatory condition of gall bladder which occurs due to gallstones that block bile ducts. It causes fever and pain and requires medical attention. 

Usually small gallstones shows no symptoms or discomfort and do not require treatment. When gallstone larger in size or multiple then it needs medical attention as gallstones starts to obstruct the bile duct. To confirm the gallstones, your physicians will advice you various laboratory as well as imaging tests.

Causes of Gallbladder Stone

To treat the gallstones it is important to know the root cause. The reason behind these bile changes is not entirely understood by researchers. Some of the common causes of gallstones are-

  • If there is an excess of cholesterol, bile salts in the bile, gallstones may develop. 
  • If the gallbladder does not empty entirely or frequently enough, gallstones may also develop.
  • A high intake of fats, processed red meats and eggs 

Symptoms of Gallbladder Stones

Symptoms of Gallbladder stones

  • pain in right upper abdomen
  • Pain radiating to the right shoulder or the back
  • Pain in gallbader stone can be steady or come or go. It can be lasted for few minutes to several hours/ Episodic pain 
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sensitivity to high fat meals 
  • Heartburn, gas, indigestion
  • Frequent digestion issues
  • Decrease in appetite 
  • Yellow skin or eyes/ Juandice
  • Light colored poop 
  • Dark urine
  • Fevers and chills


Medical professionals or doctors use combination of laboratory and imaging diagnostic test to rule out the gall stones. Accurate reports helps doctor to treat and prevent the gall bladder stones.

Diagnostic test used to diagnose gall bladder problems includes-

Blood test

To monitor the the blood count or amylase and lipase enzymes count which helps in digestion. Certain blood test shows sign of inflammation

Blood test can also detects the damage to the liver or pancreas which may occur due to blockage of bile ducts -

Abdominal Ultrasound- Ultrasound is an imaging diagnostic test which checks the internal structure in abdomen and associated changes. 

Other Imaging Techniques

CT scan, MRI scan, MRCP (Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography) and Nuclear Imaging they create a precise images of the gallbladder and the surrounding structure. 


All cases of gall stones don’t require treatment. Your doctor will evaluate and determine if treatment is indicated and what type of treatment is indicated based in the diagnostic test for gallstones.

Treatment of Gall bladder stones are-

  1. Medications- certain medicines are used to dissolve the stones. But it may take months to years to dissolve gallstones. Recurrent formation of gallstones is quite common if treatment is stopped by patients.
  2. Surgery to remove gallbladder /Cholecystectomy
    • Because gallstones tend to recur frequently, your doctor might suggest having your gallbladder surgically removed. After your gallbladder is removed, bile does not stay in your gallbladder but flows straight from your liver into your small intestine.
  3. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
    • Through a few tiny incisions, your surgeon performs laparoscopic surgery. Less suffering, shorter scars, and a quicker recovery are typical outcomes of laparoscopic surgery. Cholecystectomies are typically carried out laparoscopically.
    • A more advance technique that is only available in a few centres is robotic cholecystectomy.

Why Choose Us?

The advanced hi-tech healthcare diagnostic facilities in world-class standards and offers diverse medical diagnostic specialties including X-rays, pathology tests, histopathology tests, CT Scan, MRI Scan and nuclear medicine.

Over the years the centre has emerged as best service and healthcare excellence for patients with most cutting-edge diagnostic services.

Ganesh diagnostic centre aspires to be the destination of choice for people seeking for Gallstones tests. 

We Offer a Wide Range of Health Packages for Your Betterment.


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

How Much Time It Takes to Gallstones?

Abdominal pain that is sudden and intense, typically lasting one to five hours (though sometimes lasting only a few minutes), can be caused by gallstones. The pain is located in the middle of your abdomen, or stomach, right under your ribs. It may radiate to your side or shoulder blade from this location.

What Happens if Anyone’s GallBladder Is Removed Because of Gallstones?

Very few people miss their gallbladder.  Although it usually doesn't cause any issues, bile will continually drain into the intestines.  The likelihood of having diarrhea, which is easily treatable, is only 1 in 100.

How Does a Blood Test Detects the Gallstones?

Numerous tests are used to diagnose gallbladder issues. They could consist of: Liver tests are blood tests that can reveal gallbladder disease symptoms. a measurement of lipase or amylase in the blood to check for pancreatic inflammation.

Why I Need an MRCP Scan for Gallstones?

Using magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), your gallbladder and bile ducts can be visualised. These images could be indicative of gallbladder or bile duct stones or cholecystitis.

Is Home Sample Collection Available for Gallstone Tests?

Yes, a home sample collection service is available. You can book your for home sample collection through call or online booking.

When Would I Get My Test Reports?

Reports will be available within 24 hours expects for the test that takes time for processing.