
Earache - Symptoms, Types, Causes & Diagnosis

Earache - Symptoms, Types, Causes & Diagnosis

Ear pain, or earaches, is fairly typical. Also known as Otalgia . Children are particularly prone to it. Earaches can have a variety of causes, but infection is the most typical one. Often, this gets better on its own without...

Don't let ear pain bring you down!


Ear pain, or earaches, is fairly typical. Also known as Otalgia. Children are particularly prone to it. Earaches can have a variety of causes, but infection is the most typical one. Often, this gets better on its own without any kind of treatment.

For people of all ages, earaches can be a common and uncomfortable issue. Many things, such as infections, and wax accumulation. Our hearing and balance depend on the ear. Hence, ear issues may also result in other symptoms including hearing loss, lightheadedness, or ringing in the ears.

Overviews of some of the more prevalent ear issues are provided in this pamphlet. You will be directed to pamphlets that have additional in-depth information on the various conditions.

Picture of Ear and its Function

Three general divisions of the ear can be made.

1.The external (external) ear consists of:

The pinna is the visible portion.

The ear canal is a small, tube-like structure.

the eardrum, which is located at the canal's apex. The external ear and middle ear are separated by this. The eardrum is a membrane that has been extremely thinly stretched, much like the skin of a drum.

2.The middle ear:

It consists of an air-filled hollow. Three of the body's tiniest bones, the malleus, incus, and stapes, are located inside. Each of these bones is joined to the others. The stapes, the last of the group, also make contact with the inner ear. The Eustachian tube connects the middle ear's air chamber to the back of the nose.

3. The Inner ear:

The cochlea is a fluid-filled chamber with a snail-like shape. It has unique hair cells lining it. Sound waves are converted into electrical signals by these cells. Nerves then transmit these impulses to the brain.

The vestibule and a network of tubes known as the semicircular canals make up the vestibular system. Instead of sound, the vestibular system picks up movement.

Both hearing and balance depend on the ear.

How can we get Earaches?

Earaches can result from a number of causes, such as:

1. Ear infection:  Ear infections are among the most frequent causes of earaches. It can be an outer ear infection, which affects the skin of the ear canal, or a middle ear infection, which affects the area behind the eardrum.

  • Infected middle ear (otitis media)

Children's earaches are frequently caused by otitis media. Although it can happen to adults, it is infrequent. Preschool-aged children are the most frequently affected.

An infection in the ear canal (otitis externa)

Infection of the ear canal on the outside of the ear is known as otitis externa. Swimmers are more likely to experience it. Eczema around the ear is one example of a skin disorder that might cause it.

2. Earwax buildup:  Earwax accumulation in the ear canal can result in pressure and discomfort.

3. Injury: Earaches can be brought on by injuries to the ear, such as a blow to the head or a perforated eardrum.

4. Disorder of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ): Issues with the joint that joins the jawbone to the skull can result in earache.

5. Sinus pressure: This pressure can result from a sinus infection and cause ear ache.

6. Dental issues: Ear pain occasionally results from tooth or gum infections.

7. Foreign body: Earache can be brought on by a foreign object in the ear, such as a bug or a piece of a toy.

8. Tonsillitis: When the tonsils are inflamed, the pain may occasionally radiate to the ears.

9. Boils, rashes, and zits: Just like anywhere else on your body, the ear can develop boils, spots, and pimples. You can see them if they are on the ear's outer surface. You might not be able to see the source of the pain if they are in the ear canal. In a warm bath, a little area or boil will typically heal on its own. However, you might need to consult a doctor for assistance if it is extremely large, red, or painful. It can require lancing with a needle or an antibiotic medication.

10. Shingles: The varicella-zoster virus, which also causes chickenpox, can reactivate in just one nerve, resulting in shingles. The area of skin that that nerve supplies experience pain and a rash as a result. There are times when shingles can harm the nerve that supplies the ear. Some signs could be:

Either an earache on the outside or inside, or both.

  • An ear rash with blisters.
  • loss of hearing.
  • Dizziness.
  • Hearing ringing (tinnitus).
  • weakness on one side of the face, giving the appearance of an uneven face.

What is the role of the Eustachian tube in the Earache?

The eustachian tubes connect the middle ear to the base of the throat. These tubes' ends open and close to control the middle ear's air pressure, replenish air there, and drain typical secretions.

A blockage of the eustachian tubes brought on by a respiratory infection or allergies can result in an accumulation of fluid in the middle ear. If this fluid contracts a bacterial infection, the infection may result.

Compared to older children and adults, young children have narrower, more horizontal eustachian tubes. This indicates that fluid is more likely to accumulate in the tubes than to drain out, which raises the possibility of developing an ear infection.

What is the role of Adenoids in Earache?

In the back of the nasal cavity are tissue pads called adenoids. They participate in immune system function and respond to external germs and viruses. Yet occasionally, bacteria might become trapped in the adenoids. The middle ear and eustachian tubes may become infected and swollen as a result.

The eustachian tubes' apertures are in close proximity to the adenoids, so if they expand, the tubes may close. children 's adenosis is more effective than the adults. They increase a child's risk of ear infections.

What are the physical complaints of Earache?

A painful sensation in or near the ear is referred to as an earache (also known as otalgia). Common signs of an earache include:

  1. Discomfort: The most typical symptom of an earache is discomfort, either severe or dull, in or around the ear. Mild to severe discomfort might be experienced, it may go constant or regular.
  2. Swelling: In some circumstances, swelling in and around the ear may also happen, which can make it challenging to wear headphones or glasses.
  3. Discharge: An earache occasionally comes on the heels of ear discharge. The discharge could be clear, yellow, or crimson, and it could also smell bad.
  4. Itching: Another typical earache symptom is itching in or around the ear.
  5. Hearing loss: Depending on the underlying reason and the severity of the condition, earaches may result in temporary or permanent hearing loss.
  6. Fever: If an infection is the root of the earache, a fever may also be present.
  7. Tinnitus: Tinnitus, a ringing, buzzing, or other sound in the ear, can occur in some earache sufferers.

What are the Diagnostic Evaluation of Earache?

A diagnosis of ear infection can frequently be made only on the basis of symptoms, and testing for it is a reasonably straightforward process.

The doctor will often use an otoscope, a device with a light attachment, to examine for fluid behind the eardrum.

A pneumatic otoscope may occasionally be used by a doctor to check for infection. This device blows air into the ear to check for fluid that has become trapped. The eardrum will move less than usual if there is fluid behind it.

The doctor may use additional techniques to diagnose a middle ear infection if they are unsure.

1. Tympanometry: The medical professional applies a tool to seal off and regulate the pressure inside the ear canal. The instrument gauges eardrum movement. This allows the physician to determine the pressure in the middle ear.

2. Sound reflection measurement: By bouncing sound against the eardrum, this technique operates. The volume of sound that is reflected back reveals the amount of fluid buildup. The bulk of sound will be absorbed by a healthy ear, however, an infected ear will reflect more sound waves.

3. Tympanocentesis: Tympanocentesis may be used by a clinician if an ear infection has not responded favorably to other treatments. During this surgery, a tiny hole is made in the eardrum, and some inner ear fluid is drained. The source of the infection can then be identified by testing this fluid.

What are the Therapeutic Approaches for Earache?

1. Antibiotics

Antibiotic therapy is necessary for infants younger than six months old in order to help stop the spread of infection. The antibiotic of preference is frequently amoxicillin.

The only medication required for ear infections is pain management because they frequently go away without therapy. Only more severe or persistent conditions are treated with antibiotics.

The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) advises patient observation in the following situations:

  • Children between the ages of 6 and 23 months who have experienced mild inner ear pain in one ear for less than 48 hours and who have a body temperature lower than 102.2 °F (39 °C).
  • Children over the age of 24 months who have experienced minor inner ear pain in one or both ears for under 48 hours and who have a temperature under 102.2°F

Antibiotics are often not recommended for children older than 2 years. Antibiotic usage is the root cause of antibiotic resistance. This could make treating severe infections more difficult.

For persistent infections, the AAFP advises using acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or ear drops as a pain reliever. They alleviate discomfort and fever.

2. Warm compress:

Warm compression of a towel may help to calm the troubled ear.

3. Myringotomy:

The doctor can advise a myringotomy if ear infections persist with recurrent episodes over several months or a year. In order to relieve the accumulated fluid, a surgeon makes a tiny cut in the eardrum during this treatment.

After that, a tiny myringotomy tube is implanted to aid in middle ear airflow and stop additional fluid accumulation. These tubes will fall by themselves after 6 to 12 months without the need for human removal.

The findings of a 2018 research According to Trusted Source, myringosclerosis may develop as a result of chronic inflammation and a low oxygen environment. More specifically, the body responds by overproducing free radicals. Free radicals can cause tissue damage, which can result in calcium buildup (calcification) in the inner ear and alterations to the eardrum's connective tissue.

What are the Ways to Minimise the Risk of Earaches?

  1. Keep your ears clean: To prevent excessive wax buildup, wipe your ears correctly and frequently. However, avoid putting anything, including cotton swabs or other objects, in your ear canal because doing so could harm the eardrum.
  2. Stay away from loud noises: Extended exposure to loud noises can harm sensitive ear structures and raise your risk of hearing loss and earaches. When exposed to loud noises, wear ear protection like earplugs or earmuffs.
  3. Maintaining good hygiene will help to stop the spread of bacteria and viruses. Wash your hands frequently, especially before touching your ears.
  4. Get medical care right once to address allergies and infections: If you have allergies or an upper respiratory infection, get help right away. This may lessen the chance of complications like ear infections.
  5. Avoid smoking and being around others who are smoking: Smoking can irritate and inflame the ear, increasing the likelihood of earaches and other ear issues.

Earache? Let's ease the discomfort