
Ultrasound NT NB Scan Test

Ultrasound NT NB Scan Test

Ultrasound NT NB Scan Test

Between the eleventh and fourteenth weeks of pregnancy, a USG (Ultrasound) Nuchal Translucency (NT) scan is performed. The thickness of the nuchal fold, a tissue region at the back of an unborn baby's neck, is measured in this test.

A thicker nuchal fold indicates more fluid at the nape of the neck, which increases the fetus's risk of genetic issues.

They're looking at the nuchal fold thickness and whether the baby has a nasal bone yet. Down syndrome can be identified by an overly thick nuchal fold and/or the absence of the nasal bone.

A nuchal translucency (NT) test is an ultrasound that can be done during the first trimester of pregnancy. It assists in determining your baby's risk of congenital conditions such as Down syndrome. When combined with other first-trimester screenings, it is extremely effective at detecting conditions.

If the results of your nuchal translucency screening or any other prenatal screening show that your baby is at an increased risk of having a genetic abnormality, your practitioner will most likely recommend a diagnostic test such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis.

  • You may need to remove jewellery and metal objects that could obstruct the image.
  • Notify your technician if you are or may be pregnant.
  • Notify your technician of any stents, implants, or pacemakers.
  • You should wear loose-fitting cloth.


A nuchal translucency test is performed by your healthcare provider using abdominal ultrasound (or, in some cases, vaginal ultrasound). They will first apply ultrasound gel to your stomach. The transducer (a handheld wand) will then be moved over your stomach. A screen will display images of your baby.

The procedure is painless and quick. this procedure is generally well-tolerated, with most patients experiencing either mild pain or no pain during the procedure. There were no patients who experienced excruciating pain.

An Ultrasound NT NB Scan Testis typically performed in a hospital's radiology department or an outpatient imaging facility. So, for the best services and reliable results, schedule your test at Ganesh Diagnostic in Yamuna Vihar.