
Prostate Ultrasound Test

Prostate Ultrasound Test

Prostate Ultrasound Test

A prostate ultrasound, also known as prostate sonography, is a test that generates black-and-white images of your prostate by bouncing sound waves off the tissues of your body. This test is used to look for abnormalities, cancer, or other prostate-related conditions in your prostate.

Prostate ultrasound is a test that uses sound waves to create images of a man's prostate in order to diagnose underlying issues such as urination issues or to detect any abnormalities.

A prostate ultrasound is used to determine the following:


• Determine whether there are any problems with the prostate;

• Determine whether the prostate is enlarged; and

 • Determine whether there is an abnormal development within the prostate.


To prepare for a prostate ultrasound, you don't need to do much. It is an outpatient procedure that usually takes less than an hour to complete. Your doctor may refer you to a hospital or clinic that has ultrasound equipment that is appropriate for this test. Before the test, you may be asked to sign a consent form.

Before the test, your doctor may give you the following instructions:

Eat nothing for a few hours before the test.

A few hours before the test, take a laxative or an enema to help clear out your intestines.

A week before the procedure, stop taking any blood-thinning medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or aspirin. If your doctor intends to take a biopsy of your prostate, this is usually advised.

Wear no jewellery or clothing that is too tight to the clinic on the day of the procedure.

When you arrive at the testing location, an ultrasound technician may ask you to remove your clothes and change into a gown. The technician will then instruct you to lie on your back or side on an examination table and bend your knees.


To perform a transrectal ultrasound (TRUS), the technician applies ultrasound gel to a small imaging tool called a transducer to help the tool broadcast good images. The technician will then gently insert the transducer into your rectum and move it around to obtain images of your prostate from various angles. A biopsy involves the technician slowly inserting a needle alongside the transducer into your prostate to remove tissue.

This test is safe and takes less than an hour to complete. It assists your doctor in identifying potentially serious prostate conditions before they become unmanageable.

A Prostate Ultrasound Test is typically performed in a hospital's radiology department or an outpatient imaging facility. So, for the best services and reliable results, schedule your test at Ganesh Diagnostic in Yamuna Vihar.