
X-Ray Of Both Feet Lateral View (Weight Bearing) Procedure

X-Ray Of Both Feet Lateral View (Weight Bearing) Procedure

X-Ray Of Both Feet Lateral View (Weight Bearing) Procedure

To show how to perform while carrying weight, in weight-bearing The tarsal bones in the ankle, the metatarsal bones in the front of the feet, the toes (phalanges), and the soft tissues (skin and muscles) surrounding the bones may all be seen in the Anteroposterior (AP) View of Both Feet.


This view is helpful in determining whether a person can bear weight for more than four steps, perform in weight bearing, have foot injuries, have bone soreness at the base of the fifth metatarsal, or have bone tenderness at the navicular bone. Non-traumatic foot pain, a foreign body, osteoporosis, fracture, and a varus-valgus foot (a bone malformation).


• To prevent a bright or blank spot on the diagnostic film, remove any metal-containing objects, such as jewellery or any other comparable objects, before scanning a section of the body.

• If you are pregnant, let your imaging modality technician know. Unreported radiation could be harmful to the infant. The infant can be safeguarded by taking precautions.


  • The supine posture- The patient is seated on the X-ray table with the affected hip and knee flexed, allowing the sole of the affected foot to rest firmly on the infrared (IR).
  • Alternatively, the cassette can be raised on a 15-degree foam Pad for convenience of setting.
  •  The plantar aspect of the problematic foot is put on the Cassette, and the lower leg is supported in the vertical position by the other knee.