
X Ray Lumbar Spine AP/Lateral View Procedure

X Ray Lumbar Spine AP/Lateral View Procedure

X Ray Lumbar Spine AP/Lateral View Procedure

An LS spine (lumbosacral spine) X-ray is a painless and safe approach to observe the lowerback region, which is made up of the sacrum, a triangular bone at the end of the spine, and the five lumbar vertebrae (L1 to L5).


This view is useful in assessing:

•  Traumas, diseases

•  Infections

•  Slipped discs

• Suspected tumors

• Osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis

• Chronic back pain and determine the causes of the pain

• To detect spondylolisthesis or disc degeneration

• Suspected Spinal Injury


  • Before X-Ray procedure, remove all types of Metallic objects to avoid the bright or blank spot on the x-ray film.
  • Women must inform the technician before the procedure, in the case of a pregnancy.


  • Depending on the patient's clinical history, they may be upright or supine.
  • Hands are put by the patient's side in the projection while they are supine.
  • When performing erect, situate the patient in the pa position. This has many benefits, including less radiation exposure to the gonadal region and better use of beam divergence. For patient stability, place the arms by the side or grasp the erect Bucky's handlebars.
  • The Ferguson approach can be used to describe the weight-bearing pa view.
  • Hands are placed by the patient’s side away from the body.