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Best EEG Test Centre in Nanhey Park, Delhi

EEG Test available in Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre. Get your Best EEG test don at our most elite centre in Nanhey Park.

An Electroencephalogram also known as EEG. It is a test that measures and records electrical movement of your cerebrum (brain).

An EEG is done to analyze the epilepsy, dementia, coma, consciousness and sleep disorder.

The NABH and NABL have accredited the Ganesh Diagnostic and Imaging Centre. It's a certification for modern technology and a group of highly qualified pathologists and radiologists offering the greatest care to their patients.  We provide a Home Sample Collection Service, where a technician will come to your home to collect a sample once you make an offline or online appointment. With our unique Free Ambulance Service in Delhi, we deliver hope instead of bills.

What Is EEG?

EEG is an electrophysiological test that is used to record brain activities and detect abnormalities in the rhythm of the brain.

Brain cells generate electrical impulses all the time even in sleep. This activity is detected by EEG in a wavy line.

Why It’s Done?

Brain cells produce electrical impulses that are useful in diagnosing epilepsy, seizures and other brain disorders.

EEG helpful in diagnosing and treating-

  • Brain tumors
  • Head injury
  • Sleep disorder
  • Inflammation of the brain ( encephalopathy)
  • Brain stroke
  • Dementia
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Seizure activity related to epilepsy
  • Symptoms like confusion, fainting and memory loss.
  • Also detect brain death in patient with long term coma

How an EEG Is Carried Out?


Unless told, you can eat or drink anything before test.

To help the sensor stick to your scalp more easily, wash your hair the night before or the day of the test. Don’t use any hairspray, hair oil, spays and gels.

Your provider may ask you to sleep during your EEG.


Mostly before EEG patient is confused and fearful. This test is simple and you can rest assure. We will tell you how is it done?

Your doctor asks you to lie down and 16-25 electrodes are attached to head. Once the test is started, electrodes send the electrical signals to the computer or reading machine from your brain. After the completion electrodes are removed from your scalp.

During procedure technician may ask you to open or close eyes, read a paragraph, look at the picture, breathe or look at the flash light. Your motions of the body are captured by a video camera while the EEG records your brain waves.

Patient may feel nothing during procedure; it takes 30-60 minutes to complete this procedure.

  • After care

Avoid driving after the test and bring someone with you.

Why To Choose Ganesh Diagnostic Centre?

Let’s discover mystery!

EEG in best diagnostic centre in Nanhey Park

Ganesh Diagnostic is one of the most certified and trusted centre in Nanhey Park. and in Delhi NCR. We have patients from Haryana, Ghaziabad, Moradabad, Gurugram , Agra, Dehradun, Punjab and other places.

We have multiple branches of diagnostic centre and upgrading our self according to modern advancement.

21st century problem needs advance solution. We value this approach that’s why we are giving valuable benefits to our patients:- 

  1. Provide high quality diagnostic services
  2. Recognized with NABH & NABL certification
  3. Free Ambulance Service
  4. Support our customer 24X7
  5. Online reporting
  6. Free Home sample collection
  7. All diagnostic service under one roof
  8. Pocket friendly diagnostic test (50% discount on every test including CT and MRI)
  9. Best health packages 


NOTE-Select the diagnostic centre with caution and find the diagnostic centre with most popularity, good health packages, good reviews and ratings.


Who performs EEG?

EEG is performed by highly trained EEG technologists under the supervision of neurologists. 

Why is EEG advised by the doctor?

The EEG shows brain electrical activity. Abnormal Result shows certain types of waves may be seen after head trauma, seizures, brain tumour, and epilepsy and sleep disorders. It is also used to detect brain death in case of patients with coma. 

What is the price of EEG?

EEG cost usually ranges from Rs 1500 to Rs 2500. 

Does the EEG result change?

EEG results are rarely the same after six months. 

Do I have to shave my head before EEG?

NO, EEG or any neurodiagnostic service will never require shaving any part of their head. 

How long does it take to get the results?

Normally the complete procedure will take 30-60 minutes and you will get your result on the same day.