
GE Echocardiography Vivid T8R4

GE Echocardiography Vivid T8R4

It is a vivid T8 with established echocardiographic imaging capabilities and has an exceptional sonography performance that is in the field of the department of Internal Medicine and in the cardiology field.

It is considered to be a cost-effective approach which is reliable, stable, robust in nature along with being packed with the different features.


  • It has productivity which is enables a new level of speed along with efficiency.
  • Up to 93% of the time can be saved in the Cardiac Auto Doppler measurement system.
  • In addition to this, the system would also give you a high level of reproducibility.
  • It also gives you the diagnostic confidence especially when critical decisions have to be made.
  • It has a sturdy construction for a durable performance with shocking testing at about 1000 impacts and a force of about 10g.
  • It has special properties of Tissue Velocity Imaging, giving an appropriate left ventricular function.
  • It has Auto EF, which helps in left ventricular ejection using the tracking OI tool.


  • This machine is used for the ultrasound scanning of your heart. It aids in proper visualization of the systolic function in the ischemic heart diseases.
  • It also has a very low error rate and enables the repeated on and off cycles, along with forced off cycles and the allow the transducer removal and its insertion.

The cardiac wall motion can easily be assessed by the Tissue Tracking and Tissue Synchronization Imaging technique.