
How Much Time Does It Take To Prepare For MR Mammography?

How Much Time Does It Take To Prepare For MR Mammography?

A medical imaging examination called magnetic resonance (MR) mammography creates fine-grained pictures of the breast tissue by combining magnetic fields and radio waves.

A medical imaging examination called magnetic resonance (MR) mammography creates fine-grained pictures of the breast tissue by combining magnetic fields and radio waves. To assess breast abnormalities or screen women who have a high risk of developing breast cancer, MR mammography is frequently utilized as a diagnostic technique.

To obtain the highest image quality, MR mammography preparation often requires abstaining from specific drugs and dressing appropriately. Before the test, you will be required to take off any jewellery, piercings, or articles of clothing that contain metal. Additionally, you will be required to take off any wigs, hairpins, or other hair accessories that might contain metal.

Additionally, you should refrain from applying any creams, lotions, creams, or deodorants to your chest or underarm region before the test. These materials may contain metals or other chemicals that could affect the accuracy of the imaging. Additionally, you might be instructed to abstain from food and liquids for a few hours before the exam, especially if contrast material will be administered to you.

During the exam, you will be given a gown to wear, and you should refrain from donning anything containing metal, including underwire bras. To help maintain your breasts in the proper position and reduce movement during the imaging process, certain radiology clinics may give you special bras or pads to wear during the test.

You will lie face down on a specially made table for the MR mammography examination, which will move inside a sizable, cylindric device known as an MR scanner. The device creates images of your breast tissue using radio waves and a strong magnetic field. You must stay still during the imaging process to guarantee excellent photos; the exam normally takes 30 minutes to an hour to complete.

You can continue your regular activities right away after the exam. To make sure you don't have any negative responses to the contrast material, you could be asked to wait for a short while if you received it during the test.