
Everything You Need To Know About The Pulmonary Function Test

Everything You Need To Know About The Pulmonary Function Test

Everything You Need To Know about PFT Test In Delhi

If you're reading this, you probably have a PFT test coming up (or maybe three or four). Well, you've come to the right place. We're here to answer all your questions and make sure you know exactly what's going on when you walk into that room. Let's talk about your PFT!

What are pulmonary function tests, you ask?

Pulmonologists use pulmonary function tests to evaluate your lung structure and function, determine the severity of chronic bronchitis, detect and monitor lung cancer, assess the effectiveness of a treatment for asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and test for abnormal pulmonary conditions.

What Are PFT Tests Used For?

PFTs can help doctors check whether you have an asthma attack or any lung disease, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) or pulmonary hypertension. They can also see if you have been affected by previous exposure to environmental pollution.

When Are PFT Tests Done?

You may need a PFT test if you have any of the following:

#1 Asthma

#2 Emphysema

#3 Chronic bronchitis

#4 Lung cancer or other lung diseases

#5 Environmental exposure to pollution

How Are PFT Tests Taken?

You probably know that pulmonary function tests measure how well your lungs work. And you may have heard that they're often given as part of a routine physical. But did you know that they're two different types of tests, each performed differently and with its purpose? When you break it down, PFTs can get pretty complicated! But the good news is that we've done the hard work for you, and we're here to tell you everything there is to know about PFTs in Delhi.

The two types of PFT tests are spirometry and plethysmography. The former measures lung capacity—how much air you can inhale and exhale—while the latter measures lung capacity by inflating a balloon-like device attached to your cheeks.

What are the three methods of the PFT Test?

PFTs are administered in three parts: an initial diagnostic test, an exercise test, and a recovery test.

The first method of the PFT test is called the diagnostic test. This test is usually given at the beginning of an illness or when a doctor suspects a problem with your lungs. It's also given if you have symptoms like coughing up blood or shortness of breath and your doctor wants to figure out what's going on before giving you a diagnosis. The diagnostic test involves breathing into a tube with a mouthpiece that measures how much air you can take in and how fast you can push it out. It's easy! And in return, you get to find out more about your lungs!

You'll be asked to breathe into a tube with a mouthpiece that measures how much air you can take in and how fast you can push it out. It's easy! And in return, you get to find out more about your lungs!

The most common type of PFT is an exercise challenge, where you will be asked to walk on a treadmill for several minutes while wearing a mask connected to an instrument which is used to measure how well your lungs are working. During the test, you may be asked to drink water, hold your breath, or cough forcefully to make sure outside factors don't skew the results. Other types of PFTs can help diagnose lung problems and treat them effectively, so let's look at those now!

What do PFT tests aim to assess?

PFT assesses:

#1 The volume of the tide (VT). During regular breathing, this is the amount of air inhaled or expelled.

#2 Volume in microseconds (MV). The total amount of air expelled each minute is this.

#3 Capacity vital (VC). After breathing as much as you can, this is the total volume of air that can be expelled.

#4 Residual functional capacity (FRC). This is the amount of air in the lungs after a typical exhalation.

#5 The term "residual volume" refers to the amount of material that remains after you've exhaled as much as possible. This is the measurement of air left in your lungs.

#6 Lung capacity in total. This is the total volume of the lungs when they are full of air.

#7 Vital capability under duress (FVC). After inhaling as much as you can, this is the volume of air exhaled fast and violently.

Tips You Should Follow While Getting PFT Test

For the best results, follow these steps:

#1 Unless your doctor advises you otherwise, take your meds before your test.

#2 Before the test, don't smoke; ask your doctor how long you should wait before stopping.

#3 If you use a short-acting inhaler, wait for 6 to 8 hours before the test to use it. If you must use it, inform your doctor before the test.

#4 Do not consume alcohol for at least 4 hours before the test.

#5 At least 2 hours before the test, avoid eating a substantial meal.

#6 Do not engage in strenuous exercise for at least 30 minutes before the test.

What is the PFT Test price?

So, you've been diagnosed with asthma, and your doctor has recommended that you get a PFT Pulmonary Function Test. But you're wondering, how much does it cost?

Well… that depends. You'll need to do some research to find out how much the PFT Pulmonary Function Test costs in your area. The price can vary depending on where you live, from where you are doing it & also what insurance coverage you have.

But don't worry—we've done that research for you! Here's a quick breakdown of how much the PFT Pulmonary Function Test costs around the capital city:

PFT Test Price Delhi: Around Rs-1800 to Rs-2000

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, it may well be stated that pulmonary function tests can help diagnose lung disease and may have other benefits, but it is not a perfect test. In some cases, the pulmonary function test results determine how well specific treatments are working. However, in most cases, doctors use pulmonary function tests as one of several tools that help diagnose an illness or condition.