
Sugarcane Juice: 20 Amazing Health Benefits, Nutritional Facts

Sugarcane Juice: 20 Amazing Health Benefits, Nutritional Facts

This article reveals various health benefits that sugarcane juice gives you.

Description- This article reveals various health benefits that sugarcane juice gives you.

Sugarcane Juice: 20 Amazing Health Benefits, Nutritional Facts

Sugarcane juice is a beloved summer refreshing drink. It is usually served with lime and ginger. The lime’s sourness and ginger’s kick adds a refreshing twist to sugarcane juice’s sweetness of sugarcane. While we are discussing its taste, lets know its health nutritional value and health benefits as well.

Nutritional Value of Sugarcane Juice

The sweet taste of sugarcane juice makes it popular. It tastes so because it has glucose that gives instant boost of energy. It is also a basket full of nutrients. One serving or 240 ml of its juice contains:

Nutritional Value of Sugarcane Juice

  • 50 grams Carbohydrates
  • 250 Calorie
  • Nil saturated fats
  • Nil cholesterol
  • Nil proteins

Fresh sugarcane juice contains additional vitamins and minerals including:

  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
  • Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)
  • Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
  • Folic acid (Vitamin B9)

Super 20 Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice

Ganne ka ras is the name of sugarcane juice in India. It contains numerous hidden benefits including-

Super 20 Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice

Shot of Instant Energy

A roadside sugarcane juice will make you feel full of energy especially on a hot summer day. It immediately gives you an energy pump with as it contains high amounts of carbohydrates and glucose and carbohydrates it can immediately pump up your energy. 

Balances the pH Levels

To keep your digestion good and maintain digestive system in health, pH balance should be maintained. Sugarcane juice helps in maintaining it. It helps neutralise acids as it has an alkaline nature. 

Improves Liver Function

Liver associated conditions including jaundice can be maintained with sugarcane juice. It helps neutralize excess bile juices and stomach acids and strengthens liver functions.

Helps combat Cancer

It has alkaline nature, mineral content, and flavonoids that help ward off cancerous cells.

Aids Digestion

Stomach acids can be neutralised by potassium present in sugarcane juice. It helps improve digestive juice secretion necessary for digestion.

Benefits Diabetics

Despite the instant glucose spike, sugarcane juice contains a low glycemic index. It helps inhibit frequent blood glucose spike. 

Alleviates Body Inflammations

Sugarcane juice diluted with lime juice and ginger can help resolve infections including STDs- sexually transmitted diseases, UTI-urinary tract infections, kidney stones and prostatitis. It helps block hemorrhage and heal wounds.

Bone and Teeth Development

Raw sugarcane chewing habits can help strengthen your teeth. It has calcium content that ensures proper skeletal, teeth and bones development.

Maintains Kidney Health

Low cholesterol, No saturated fats, and low sodium content are present in sugarcane juice which ensures good kidney health. 

Maintains Electrolyte Concentrations

Sugarcane juice has High water and minerals content, rendering it a natural electrolyte. It compensates for the water and minerals loss in the body. It plays an excellent role as a detoxifying agent. 

Hydrating Agent

It is considered an effective hydrating agent, as compared to any other sports drinks (having natural sugars) or even plain water. 

Helps in Reducing Weight

It is thought as weight increasing high calorie supplement. But, thai is not true, Sugarcane juice helps increase metabolism and modulate weight gain instead, especially in your pregnancy period. It helps minimise cholesterol, as it contains zero cholesterol and zero saturated fats. Therefore it doesn't add up in your body. 

Helps in Conception and Pregnancy

Ginger added in sugarcane juice can help ease certain pregnancy symptoms including morning sickness. It also strengthens your immune system aiding in healthy conception. It contains folic acid and iron which play a role in enabling the proper development and growth of the baby.

Maintains Good Oral Health

Eating raw sugarcane sticks can help eliminate issues including bad breath or tooth decay. It is a rich source of calcium and phosphorus that helps in tooth enamel buildup that helps strengthen your teeth.

Reduces Acne

The juice has a natural ability to help reduce acne and skin problems. It has AHAs- alpha-hydroxy acids- glycolic acid. It aids in revitalizing the tissues of the skin tissues and improves your skin cell turnover also. It can exfoliate the skin, therefore effectively reducing acne breakouts.

Immunity Booster

It contains vitamin C, therefore helps boost your body’s immune system. It also helps fight against any infection including sore throat, flu, and cold. 

Rich Source of Antioxidants

Sugarcane juice has antioxidant properties, that helps neutralize free radicals developed due to oxidative stress. Thus, helps in improving your overall health. 

Keeps Infections at Bay

Sugarcane juice contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidation, and immunity-boosting qualities. These help fight various infections including that of the urinary tract, kidneys, and reproductive system. 

Diuretic Properties

Sugarcane juice contains the potential to help eliminate plenty of water and salts from your body and improve kidney functioning. 

Treats Anemia

The sugarcane juice turn dark when left alone, as it has high iron content. Thai property can invariably increase the hemoglobin levels in your body. This helps prevent and treat low-hemoglobin conditions including anemia. 


Sugarcane juice has a high-calorie content, it undoubtedly has a sugar content. It is diabetic-friendly, has anti-cancer properties, and is an anti-inflammatory substance. It has antioxidants that help boost immune properties. This helps keep infections away. It also helps prevent skin issues and tooth decay. It has minerals and vitamins, that exhilarate electrolytes in your body. It makes it a popular, hydrating and detoxifying agent. It can be a home remedy to prevent and treat anaemia. Nevertheless, if you consume too much sugar in a single go, it can cause certain health concerns. Small quantities are good or it would be the best idea to consume it after consulting a dietician or a nutritionist.